[nagdu] airports and security
Tamara Smith-Kinney
tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 25 17:00:07 UTC 2010
I am so sorry!
I've heard some of those details you mentioned, from supposedly reputable
sources -- including TSA folks being interviewed -- before all the hue and
cry got going and the TSA folks started stressing use of the term "pat down"
spoken in a reassuringly negligent tone.... I've been waiting to hear from
travelers I actually know who get the "pat down" before I make any decisions
about what I think and believe on the entire subject, and certainly before I
have to make any decisions about whether I want to subject myself to that
just to get somewhere.
An old-fashioned pat down is one thing. I've only ever had one or two over
the years, and while I didn't find the experience uplifting or enjoyable, I
didn't have too many (or too strong) negative feelings during or afterward.
I have some personal space issues from childhood experiences, so was rather
surprised that I didn't have to deal with any jolts of extreme emotional
reaction from the process. I did find myself wanting plenty of alone time
for the next few days and wanting to keep a few extra feet between myself
and other humans, but I figured a lot of that was just me.
This new procedure, though.... If it is as described, I'm going to need to
think long and hard about how much I really need to get anywhere in a hurry
before I decide to subject myself to the possibility of getting searched.
Hearing even a clinical description gives me the heebie jeebies, to be
honest. No, thank you!
Again, I'm so sorry you have such a bad experience on top of traveling with
a sprained ankle. Hope you have a speedy recovery and get back to your
regularly scheduled life. /smile/
Tami Smith-Kinney
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Marsha Drenth
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:32 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: [nagdu] airports and security
Hi folks,
On Monday, my hubby and I flew to Texas for thanksgiving. I did not have my
pup with me, as last Thursday, I fell yet again, and sprained my ankle and
tore a ligament in my leg. So I am on crutches and wearing a splint,
probably for at least 2 weeks. So I used a wheelchair to go through
security. Well lets just say, my experience was not pleasant. I was subject
to the pat down. The pat down was with another female in a private room.
Lets just say that my personal space was totally violated. Their hands went
in areas that a stranger is not suppose to go. I felt so dirty and
disgusting after wards. I saw all the reports on the news, facebook and
twitter, about women being vilated through security checks, and I didn't
believe them, or atleast I wanted to give them the benefit of doubt. But
they are true. By the time it was all over, I was crying. I set off alarms
twice, from different parts of body being swabbed. So then they had to go
through all my stuff and my husbands. I can't imagine what it would have
been like if I had gone through with my dog. It took us 45 minutes to get
through security. I know, I know, I know what you all are saying, the
security is there to protect us. But come on people, me, a totally blind,
hearing impaired, sprained ankle sort of person in a wheelchair is the
least likely person to do anything. Hell I can't even walk at the moment.
The people being targeted for the pat downs are the people like elderly, the
disabled, and children. I know we can't be too careful, but there has to be
a better way.
This was just my experience. If anyone else wants to hear more graphic
details, email me off list.
I know this is off topic, and not talking about guide dogs, but since I am a
guide dog user, thought I would share my comments and experiences.
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