[nagdu] Dog IDs
Wayne Merritt
wcmerritt at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 23:27:33 UTC 2011
thing is,if owner trainers can go somewhere, perhaps on the web or
with an agency/group, to get a certificate saying that their dog is an
"official" guide/service dog, what's to keep Joe Public from doing the
same thing for his pet dog that he takes with him everywhere? I knew
someone some years ago that had such a dog. The dog wasn't on leash
and this man took the dog with him to his college classes that he
taught. He told me privatley that a cop asked him once if it was a
guide/service dog and what service the dog performed, and this man
gave the flippid reply of, "Well,he guides me through my classes." The
cop was apparently satisfied with this and let him go on his way.
Meanwhile, the first time I crossed paths with him, I had to
physically restrain my guide dog by pulling its leash to prevent mine
from getting into a scuffle with this man's unleashed "service dog."
How would showing an ID have helped this other gentleman out,
especially when during the point when the dogs were going after each
other, his dog clearly wasn't doing any sort of service?
On 8/2/11, Larry D. Keeler <lkeeler at comcast.net> wrote:
> In the case of the person I know, maybe the ID would give the school of
> origin so the person could be reported. I think if you train your own dogs
> you should be able to get a certificate from somewhere proving the dog is
> trained. I also think pit bull owners should have to apply for or take
> classes in obedience training to ensure that they can control there dogs.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Julie J." <julielj at neb.rr.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 10:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Dog IDs
>> Larry,
>> I understand that you were giving an example of bad behavior and an
>> irresponsible owner. My concern is that an ID didn't do anything to
>> prevent this situation. My question is still how does having an ID card
>> prevent a dog from misbehaving or a handler from neglecting basic
>> grooming?
>> Just so you know, I train my own guides. My owner trained guide goes with
>> me to work, to restaurants, to the bank, post office, to meetings in
>> various locations and quite a few other places. I do not have any sort of
>> ID. I could create something on my computer and laminate it, but I choose
>> not to, because ID is not legally required. I believe that the dog's
>> behavior speaks louder than any sort of ID card ever could.
>> Julie
>> On 8/1/2011 8:10 PM, Larry D. Keeler wrote:
>>> Sorry, that was an example of just bad behavior. I mentioned it because
>>> sometimes folks that do that kind of thing reflect on us. In that
>>> example, he didn't groom his dog properly and whenI got hHolly and went
>>> to the same restraunt he did, I heard the owner mention that Holly was
>>> clean unlike that other dog that came in! My real point about IDs is
>>> that to many people are slipping dogs under the radar as service dogs
>>> when they are not. A story told by a disc jocky in the Ann Arbor area
>>> points this out. He was flying somewhere and a woman sitting next to him
>>> had a miniture poodle on her lap. I love those things and when I was a
>>> teenager, I used to breed them. I went to Pilot precisely because they
>>> bred poodles! The woman claimed that she needed the woman for emotional
>>> support because she was scared of flying. Apparently, the plane hit
>>> turbulance and she didn't even reach for the dog. To all appearances, it
>>> sure seemed like the dog was claimed that way to get out of paying for it
>>> to ride underneath. A couple of weeks after that, on one of the Detroit
>>> tv stations, they showed a article on people doing this sort of thing.
>>> The article included a segment on things such as buying harnesses, vests
>>> and IDs on the internet! My daughter has a friend who claims her dog is
>>> a hearing assistant. She baught a vest for 40 dollars at a store. The
>>> thing is a Jack Russel terrier and I have seen it! It barely knows
>>> obedience training!
>>> Intelligence is always claimed but rarely proven!
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