[nagdu] Latest info on MAX trains and shocks?
boe5525 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 22:41:34 UTC 2011
[n.b. Sorry, I accidentally sent my last message before I was finished!
Everything still applies, though. :)]
Hi, Tami -
Yes, please do crosspost it--that would be terrific. Please also feel
free to include my e-mail address (boe5525 at gmail.com) in case you or
anyone else wants to contact me directly.
I do hope that Trimet gets its act together on this and whatever else
may ail it. I've heard very good things about public transit in Portland
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 8, 2011, at 12:50 PM, Tami Kinney <tamara.8024 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Miriam,
> Hi. I live in Portland but haven't been following that situation closely
> since I haven't been using the MAX for awhile. Do you mind if I cross
> post your questions to a local list where the people who do use MAX with
> their dogs and who are working on the shock issue can tell you more? I
> do know that the problem still exists and that the transit PTBs are
> trying to insist it's fixed when it's not, or there isn't a problem or
> whatever they're insisting on now to avoid fixing it.We had a really
> great transit system here that was growing and improving... That has
> changed, and the PTBs involved seem determined to put a stop to all that
> public transit nonsense... I am hoping this is just a phase and that
> they don't ruin it tonally before they're replaced or something. Sigh.
> I'm getting more involved, but have troubles getting to events and
> meetings about some of the other transit stuff because my own budget
> shortfalls don't leave me enough leftover to have bus fare. Working on
> it.
> Anyway, I'll see what I can find out and get back to you.
> Tami /
> Tami
> On Sun, 2011-08-07 at 16:59 -0400, Miriam wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I will be traveling with my guide dog to the Portland, OR area for the
>> first time in a little over a week. I will be using the light rail while
>> I'm there, possibly extensively, and I know there have been ongoing
>> problems with guide dogs' getting their feet shocked around the tracks.
>> Basically I'm looking for the most up-to-date, detailed information I
>> can find on this situation in case there are e.g. certain places I
>> should avoid during certain weather conditions.
>> I did seek out information from the GDB campus in Boring, and after
>> being bounced around for a while, I was told that the shocks had
>> initially seemed restricted to the westside but had now expanded;
>> however, that they also overwhelmingly seemed to occur in the winter
>> months, during a combination of colder weather and precipitation. It was
>> suggested that I probably didn't have to worry overly much in the
>> summer, though I could use booties if I was really concerned. It was
>> also mentioned that the shocks seemed to happen more frequently around
>> the automatic ramps, which I had read elsewhere.
>> If someone who uses the MAX regularly and/or someone who is keeping tabs
>> on the situation could verify or elaborate on this information, that
>> would be terrific. I would like to avoid using booties if at all
>> possible, but of course would do so if there was a significant risk.
>> Many thanks in advance for any help.
>> Best,
>> Miriam
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