[nagdu] Mobility and Dogs

Dan Weiner dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net
Sun Aug 21 10:55:33 UTC 2011

I have news for you, the dog and cane are different as to the feedback and
methods and it's very possible that someone can be quite effective with one
and not the other.
And so what if your co-workers say:
"He sure gets around better with the dog".
Do they pay your rent and are you just crushed if your co-workers, who know
nothing about blindness, say things like that?

I certainly do have problems if I have to use a cane with some things.
I do use my cane when I feel I shouldn't bring my dog for whatever reason,
but there are just times a dog beats a cane paws down, sorry if that rankles
but I believe it's true.

When at work I had to walk through this big parking lot and my dog got used
to the route so well that it was clear sailing.
When he was sick I had great trouble navigating this parking lot with a cane
basically because in order to figure out my way I had to follow the backs of
cars and pretty much figure out when to make turns etc. where there wasn't
anything to follow.

If I thought I were just as effective with both methods I would maybe not
want a dog even though I love them more than I can say.

So yes, I'm better getting around with a dog in some circumstances and
perceptions of me because of that at this point in my life mean nothing to

Now, just to be fair, I could see the opposite, maybe someone would do
better with a cane than a dog because they just can't get used to it or it's
just not for them and that's perfectly okay.


Dan and Carter


-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Jeffrey Young
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 1:47 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Mobility and Dogs

Of corse it's perfectly ok to use a dog, but their are always times, even if
they are few and far between, that a cane is necisary. EG the dog is sick,
or a person is in between dogs ETC. I would still want to be just as
effective with a cane as with a dog. I would hate to have a sick dog and
have to use my cane at work and have coworkers say something like, "well he
sure can't do much without his dog." Is being a terrible cane user a crime?
Probably not :), However why limit yourself just because you wouldn't want
to use a white stick. :) Jeff Young

Home of the world's healthiest energy drink. No Caffeine, no added sugar.
Email me for a free sample today.
Phone: (318) 243-3003
E-mail: jeff.young8806 at gmail.com
Website: http://jhyrumyoung.drinkactweb.com/

On Aug 20, 2011, at 11:10 PM, Dan Weiner wrote:

> And is being a terrible cane user a crime, Jeff?
> If you can get around and do the stuff you need with either a dog or 
> cane why should it matter to you if someone is not good at using a 
> cane to get around?
> The guide dog and the cane are different, that's why some choose to 
> use a dog and some don't.--smile
> Dan and Carter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On 
> Behalf Of Jeffrey Young
> Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:36 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Mobility and Dogs
> At the Louisiana Center for the blind they require you to use a cane 
> wile in class, however they encourage you to check on the wellbeing of 
> the dog and to make sure the dog gets work outside of class. I've 
> never had a problem with this because I've met several dog users that were
terrible cane users.
> This isn't to say that all guide dog users are terrible cane users 
> because I know the majority of us are competent cane travelers.
> Jeff Young
> Home of the world's healthiest energy drink. No Caffeine, no added sugar.
> Email me for a free sample today.
> Phone: (318) 243-3003
> E-mail: jeff.young8806 at gmail.com
> Website: http://jhyrumyoung.drinkactweb.com/
> On Aug 20, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Larry D. Keeler wrote:
>> Just curious, has anyone heard of mobility instructors iether being 
>> afraid
> of dogs or trying to get dogs taken away from others because they 
> think they shouldn't use them?  I've heard in Arkansas that they have 
> both things going on.  I've also heard that at some of the NFB 
> training centers they limit your dog use because they think you need a 
> cane.  My own belief at the moment is at the NFB centers at least they 
> want to make sure that you can get around without your dog which is 
> good but I sure hope they don't try to separate the team entirely!
>> Intelligence is always claimed but rarely proven!
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