[nagdu] . School Contracts.

Artie. anolden at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Aug 21 16:31:45 UTC 2011

    When I got my first guide dog in June 2000, it was at SEGDI, they were signing over ownership to the grads.  We were told that SEGDI had previously retained ownership, but the board made the policy change.    

    Well, it would take the Grad Council, people smarter than the board members, to  come up with the great idea.

    If I recall, and expect as you were directly involved, Marion, you'd recall better, that when SEGDI kept ownership, the grad   could apply for ownership after two years.

    On the final Thursday of the class, they got everyone into the dining room, explained what they were going to do, and one by one, they read all the paperwork aloud to each grad, and signed the document.

    They told us that when SEGDI had kept ownership, if the dog commited some tort act, the school was made a party to lawsuits, as the owner, in addition to the grad handler.  By not being the owner of the dog, there was no liability on the part of the school.  It was expensive to settle civil lawsuits, and to pay attorney fees to go to court.

    By not being owner of the dog, if the school were sued, the attorney's office merely had to file a Motion on paper, stating that the school cannot be party to the suit.  They just press a button, and the typewriter or computer spits out the Motion papers.  Based upon the affidavit by the attorney annexed to the Motion, the Judge says, "motion granted", and the school is removed as a party to the lawsuit. 

    When that first gide dog had to be retired early due to misbvehavior matters, the school never mentioned his name, nor said what I needed to do aboutit,  when they told me to come in for a new guide.    I typed a simple Transfer of Ownership to the person who adopted that dog in August of 2002.

    There was a change in administration at the end of 2002.  SEGDI  has never called me to ask about my second guide.  He was a perfect worker, and never did I have any problem with him; so I had no reason to call SEGDI.  

    Princess Linda got her fifth guide in the same class when I got my first dog @ SEGDI.  Eleven years later she got a call from SEGDI inquiring about that dog.   Charcoal went to the Rainbow bridge last September --  due to extreme arthritis in both hips.  She was not asked how she is getting around without a guide, nor if she wanted another.  Seems the person was just interested in Charcoal.   Princess Linda told her that if she ever wants another guide from there, she'd call.

    Artie and GDF Golden guide dog JJ by the Gulf, 
    west central Florida.
    Dusty's Light Will  Shine Forever!

From: "Marion Gwizdala"

    When I sat on Southeastern Guide Dogs' Graduate Advisory Council, I  advocated for a change in the policy. At the time, SEGDI did not transfer  ownership upon completion of training. Nearly every other member of the  Council took my arguments as anti SEGDI, stating they had no issues with the  policy nor believed anyone from the program would interfere with the  possession of the dog. 
The policy was changed and SEGDI  consumer now have ownership of their dogs upon completion of training.

Fraternally yours,
Marion Gwizdala

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