[nagdu] Are you Hurricane Ready some advice from a travel agent, guide dog user and diabetic

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 25 17:04:46 UTC 2011

Hello everyone:

I realize this might be to late for some, but Hurricane season is not over 
until the beginning of November, or when the oceans cool off, since we have 
had very hot days, it is going to take longer for the oceans to get back to 

Anyway, some safety tips for everyone.

First: Make sure you have an evacuation plan or other location to go just in 
case you need to evacuate, have 911 ready or you local call center for 
Hurricane Evacuations, should you not have anyone to help you get out, they 
will come for you. Do not be a hero and stay with the house, a house can be 
replaced your life and those of your loved ones including animals are not 
replaced able.

Let friends, neighbors, family know were you are going to be so that they 
don't worry.

Second: Make sure that during the storms shut down all electrical equipment, 
if you have a computer shut it off.  If you have a cell phone have it ready, 
these are times when old fashioned landlines are the best, because if the 
cable goes and the cell phone towers go, at least you can call on your phone 
if you can.

Third: Make sure you have all medications in water proof zip lock bags or 
containers.  Make sure you dogs/cats food are also in waterproof containers. 
Make sure this is part of your evacuation baggage should you need to take it 
at a moments notice.

If you are in an area where you may not be evacuated, make sure you have 
enough medications, food, candles, batteries generators, make sure all smoke 
detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are working, once the hurricane or 
nasty weather comes in you need to be prepared.

Your baggage should also have change of clothes for one or 2 days just in 
case, phone book.
Leading the Way in Independent Travel!

Cheryl Echevarria
reservations at echevarriatravel.com

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Superior Travel, located in 
Baldwin, NY. www.superiortravel.com

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise & Travel, Inc. 

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