[nagdu] Neighbors mourn death of blind pedestrian; his service dog will recover
Julie J.
julielj at neb.rr.com
Fri Aug 26 19:23:16 UTC 2011
This is an excellent point! I totally agree. I too, took the classroom
portion of driver's ed and have found it to be very useful information.
It's stuff I actually use on a daily basis, not at all like advanced
On 8/26/2011 2:17 PM, Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC) wrote:
> To go along with the NAGDU push, I'd also add that all high school students are required to take the theory portion of driver's ed. I was told I didn't need to take it, since I'd never drive. I argued that most of the class was physics and chemistry (cool stuff in their own right) and that I needed to know how humans and vehicles would behave under varrying conditions. I needed to know that a little rain is more dangerous in terms of stopping ability then alot of rain due to oil from cars making road slippery when it mixed with water. Also it was useful to know what drivers can and can't see and when and why. Also, it's useful to know that just because a driver should stop, they may not be able to, I'm now trying to remember the math that showed veloicty and when a car would stop after a driver stopped using the accelorator.
> The right of way is a very good thing, but in a contest natural laws win every single time, and they win in ways that matter..
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Brenda
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 3:08 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Neighbors mourn death of blind pedestrian; his service dog will recover
> I am sorry ifI said something wrong in my mention of the reflective
> vest. I was just thinking about what an excuse-making driver would say
> to find ways to justify the horrible accident in order to feel better.
> If the man had a reflective vest on, there wouldno doubt be another excuse.
> Jeanine, I am very sorry about the loss of your mother. My fully
> sighted father was killed hit and run in Marin County, CA in 1987. The
> police said they could not prove if he stepped in front of the van they
> found later that was rented with a fake I.D. I know of several
> instances where people have gotten killed and the driver gotten no jail
> time. At least recently a drunk lady that hit and killed a high-school
> student and injured the girl's boyfriend got 27 years! She thought she
> hit a mail box she said. She turned herself in 3 days later. I was
> pleasantly surprised that she got so much time. Sure hope she has to
> serve it.
> I like the idea of a push by NAGDU and the NFB to get more awareness and
> questions on driver tests and handbooks.
> Brenda
> On 8/26/2011 11:42 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
>> I find this interesting that someone, even sarcastically, mentioned the
>> reflective vest. Just talked to a person today who was nearly struck by a
>> car and when he got the driver to stop, he asked "Didn't you see my white
>> cane? I'm blind. Weren't you even going to stop?"
>> The driver said he thought the man's reflective vest meant that he was a
>> road worker and the stick was a measuring stick. Oh brother.
>> "So it's OK to hit road workers?" the man asked. The driver then sped away.
>> Jenine Stanley
>> jeninems at wowway.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
>> Of Tracy Carcione
>> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:47 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Neighbors mourn death of blind pedestrian; his service
>> dog will recover
>> I've been thinking about all the cases I've heard of recently where a
>> blind guy was run over, and the great majority were some idiot turning on
>> top of the guy. Apparently, drivers don't look before they turn.
>> This is consistent with my own experience. Several times a month, Ben has
>> to stop and let some turner whiz in front of us. Which is pretty
>> depressing, considering that seems to be how most people get hit. So, if
>> I get hit, I authorize anyone and everyone to sue the socks off the
>> driver.
>> Is there anything we can do to get drivers to actually pay attention where
>> they're aiming that half-ton of steel?
>> Tracy
>>> Why were these cars going fast enough to not be able to slow down and/or
>>> swerve? I think the first assailant stopped to "help" when the second
>>> vehicle re-hit the victim. What's up with that? How did the second
>>> driver hit the man and the dog? Ththat's a lot to hit especially with
>>> the first car already in the area.
>>> Isn't there a law or something about failure to maintain control of a
>>> vehicle? My brother got cited for backing into another car in a parking
>>> lot going slow but the other person pulled in front of him and he still
>>> got cited.
>>> My husband always looks out for pedestrians and bike riders because you
>>> never know when one could step in front of you. To bad more people
>>> don't drive like my husband. But wait, my husband drives a hybrid
>>> hylander. However, he had this driving mentality before we got the
>>> hybrid and he taught his 2 kids this principal.
>>> I know - the blind guy was probably wearing dark clothes. Where was his
>>> reflective vest. /sarcasm.
>>> Brenda
>>> On 8/26/2011 6:21 AM, cheryl echevarria wrote:
>>>> Julie it was an accident, from reading the story, that the first car
>>>> should
>>>> have slowed down when making a turn maybe couldn't swerve enough, the
>>>> trucker who knows.
>>>> If it was on purpose then they would have been arrested, I am sure that
>>>> the
>>>> 2 were questioned at the accident. I mean police had to be called in
>>>> situations like this.
>>>> Leading the Way in Independent Travel!
>>>> Cheryl Echevarria
>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.com
>>>> 631-456-5394
>>>> reservations at echevarriatravel.com
>>>> Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Superior Travel, located in
>>>> Baldwin, NY. www.superiortravel.com
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>>>> Inc.
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Julie Phillipson"<jbrew48 at verizon.net>
>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 7:21 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Neighbors mourn death of blind pedestrian;his
>>>> service
>>>> dog will recover
>>>>> that was my first thought too. Why are there no charges the driver of
>>>>> the
>>>>> truck didn't see what happened right in front of him? Give me a brake!
>>>>> Julie Phillipson
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Tracy Carcione"<carcione at access.net>
>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:28 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Neighbors mourn death of blind pedestrian; his
>>>>> service
>>>>> dog will recover
>>>>>> Of course neither driver has been charged. I bet neither one ever
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> be. It seems like killing a blind guy is a no-fault non-crime. Too
>>>>>> bad,
>>>>>> so sad, oh well.
>>>>>> I'm really getting sick of it.
>>>>>> Tracy
>>>>>>> Neighbors mourn death of blind pedestrian; his service dog will
>>>>>>> recover
>>>>>>> August 24, 2011
>> http://www.wtvr.com/news/wtvr-neighbors-mourn-pedestrian-blind-man-killed-wh
>>>>>>> ile-service-dog-recovers-20110824,0,6132815.story
>>>>>>> RICHMOND (WTVR)-
>>>>>>> Neighbors of a blind Richmond man are mourning his accidental death.
>>>>>>> "He was one of the sweetest neighbors that you would want in your
>>>>>>> community," said neighbor Dianna Harrison.
>>>>>>> Seventy-four year old Dudley Mines will be missed. Neighbors say you
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> see him and his seeing eye dog Romeo walking their streets several
>>>>>>> times
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> day. He was doing just that Monday night. He was crossing the road
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> corner of Old Brook and Bellvue Road in North Richmond. A car turning
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> corner grazed Mines and knocked him over. Moments later a truck would
>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>> the turn and run over Mines and his dog. Both drivers stopped to help
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> was too late. The accident killed Mines and left Romeo with serious
>>>>>>> injuries.
>>>>>>> "We just want to thank God for the time he allowed him in our lives,"
>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>> Harrison.
>>>>>>> Neighbors are preparing for a vigil tomorrow night. Mines three
>>>>>>> children
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> also involved in the planning. Signs of sympathy lay outside his home
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> there's been sympathy shown in other ways too..
>>>>>>> "There was really a coming together to help Romeo," said Veterinarian
>>>>>>> Nathan
>>>>>>> Lippo.
>>>>>>> The six year old black lab suffered cuts, bruising and a broken leg.
>>>>>>> "With some pain medication some fluids and antibiotics he turned
>>>>>>> around
>>>>>>> pretty quickly became stable very quickly," said Lippo.
>>>>>>> Wednesday the dog had surgery to secure his leg. Lippo says the
>>>>>>> relationship
>>>>>>> between a seeing eye dog and it's owner is a special one and is
>>>>>>> sometimes
>>>>>>> irreplaceable.
>>>>>>> "These seeing eye dogs lived with owners for a long time so long
>>>>>>> Romeo
>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>> lost a member of his family," said Lippo.
>>>>>>> A funeral for Dudley Mines will be held on Saturday at 2pm Watkins
>>>>>>> funeral
>>>>>>> home. Neither driver has been charged in the incident. Police say
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> investigation is ongoing. Mines daughter says once he recovers she
>>>>>>> plans
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> adopt Romeo.
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