[nagdu] FW: New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing Eye Dogs Safe from Attacks

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Mon Feb 14 16:41:23 UTC 2011

Happy Valentine's Day to all, and your pooches, of course!

I thought I should pass along this Seeing Eye press release...nothing to do
with Cupid, but it's certainly positive news.


-----Original Message-----
From: The Seeing Eye, Inc. [mailto:noreply_seeingeye.org at bmsend.com]On
Behalf Of The Seeing Eye, Inc.
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 11:09 AM
To: Sherrill O'Brien
Subject: New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing Eye Dogs
Safe from Attacks

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The Seeing Eye, Inc.

  For Immediate Release

The Seeing Eye, Inc.


February 14, 2011

  New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing Eye Dogs Safe from

  MORRISTOWN, N.J.   Representatives from The Seeing Eye, including puppy
raising families with Seeing Eye  puppies, President & CEO Jim Kutsch, his
wife Ginger, and their Seeing Eye dogs Colby and Pixie, will assemble at the
Statehouse February 17. They will deliver hundreds of petition signatures to
lawmakers which call for New Jersey to adopt Assembly Bill 832 and  Dusty's
Law , Assembly Bill 3226. Both bills provide service dogs with protection
against attacks and interference by either people or other dogs.

The petitions were drafted in response to a growing concern for the safety
of New Jersey's guide dog teams and a horrific incident last summer when
Dusty, a Seeing Eye puppy in training, was viciously attacked by another
dog. Dusty sustained severe injuries requiring 98 stitches and the removal
of four teeth which were crushed during the attack.

"Seeing Eye dogs are especially vulnerable to injury during an attack
because they ve been bred and trained to be non-aggressive.  Further, they
are unlikely to leave their masters  sides, even to save themselves," said
Seeing Eye President & CEO Jim Kutsch. "We are deeply grateful to the
bipartisan team of state senators and assemblymen sponsoring these bills for
recognizing the need to provide greater protection for service animals."

A832, introduced by Assemblyman Nelson T. Albano (D - Cape May), and its
companion bill, S1154 initiated by Senator Jeff Van Drew (D - Cape May),
establish new crimes against people who intentionally harm or interfere with
a service animal. Dusty's Law, A3226, sponsored by Assemblyman Robert
Schroeder (R - Bergen) and Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R -
Union/Somerset/Morris/Essex), establishes mandatory fines for pet owners
whose dogs attack, injure, or otherwise interfere with a service animal.

New Jersey is one of the few states that do not yet provide criminal
sanctions for attacks and interference against service animals. For more
information about how you can help protect guide dog teams, please visit The
Seeing Eye's Web site at [2] www.SeeingEye.org/protector email [3]
advocacy at seeingeye.org.

Established in 1929, The Seeing Eye provides specially bred and trained dogs
to guide people who are blind. Seeing Eye  dog users experience greatly
enhanced mobility and independence, allowing them to retain their active
lifestyles despite blindness. The Seeing Eye is a philanthropy supported by
contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, bequests, and
other planned gifts.

The Seeing Eye is a trademarked name and can only be used to describe the
dogs bred and trained at the school s facilities in Morristown, N.J. If you
would like more information on The Seeing Eye, please visit the website at
[4] www.SeeingEye.org, call (973) 539-4425, or email [5] info at seeingeye.org.


  [6] www.SeeingEye.org


1. mailto:mbarlak at seeingeye.org
2. http://www.SeeingEye.org/protect
3. mailto:advocacy at seeingeye.org
4. http://www.SeeingEye.org
5. mailto:info at seeingeye.org
6. http://www.seeingeye.org/

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noreply at seeingeye.org

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