[nagdu] FW: New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing Eye Dogs Safe from Attacks
Lisa Irving
lirving1234 at cox.net
Fri Feb 18 04:33:09 UTC 2011
Good job, New Jersey citizens and law makers. California has a similar law
in place. Years ago, my guide dog and I were attacked. No one wanted to get
involved and the police were unable to do anything because I could not see
the woman and her dog well enough to identify her. Maybe our CRAP school
can include a talking chip in our dog so they can identify their attacker
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sherrill O'Brien" <sherrill.obrien at verizon.net>
To: "Nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>; "FLAGDU List" <flagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 8:41 AM
Subject: [nagdu] FW: New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing
Eye Dogs Safe from Attacks
> Happy Valentine's Day to all, and your pooches, of course!
> I thought I should pass along this Seeing Eye press release...nothing to
> do
> with Cupid, but it's certainly positive news.
> Sherrill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The Seeing Eye, Inc. [mailto:noreply_seeingeye.org at bmsend.com]On
> Behalf Of The Seeing Eye, Inc.
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 11:09 AM
> To: Sherrill O'Brien
> Subject: New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing Eye Dogs
> Safe from Attacks
> To view as a Webpage, click here:
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> The Seeing Eye, Inc.
> For Immediate Release
> The Seeing Eye, Inc.
> [1]
> February 14, 2011
> New Jersey Residents Petition Lawmakers to Keep Seeing Eye Dogs Safe from
> Attacks
> MORRISTOWN, N.J. Representatives from The Seeing Eye, including puppy
> raising families with Seeing Eye puppies, President & CEO Jim Kutsch, his
> wife Ginger, and their Seeing Eye dogs Colby and Pixie, will assemble at
> the
> Statehouse February 17. They will deliver hundreds of petition signatures
> to
> lawmakers which call for New Jersey to adopt Assembly Bill 832 and
> Dusty's
> Law , Assembly Bill 3226. Both bills provide service dogs with protection
> against attacks and interference by either people or other dogs.
> The petitions were drafted in response to a growing concern for the safety
> of New Jersey's guide dog teams and a horrific incident last summer when
> Dusty, a Seeing Eye puppy in training, was viciously attacked by another
> dog. Dusty sustained severe injuries requiring 98 stitches and the removal
> of four teeth which were crushed during the attack.
> "Seeing Eye dogs are especially vulnerable to injury during an attack
> because they ve been bred and trained to be non-aggressive. Further, they
> are unlikely to leave their masters sides, even to save themselves," said
> Seeing Eye President & CEO Jim Kutsch. "We are deeply grateful to the
> bipartisan team of state senators and assemblymen sponsoring these bills
> for
> recognizing the need to provide greater protection for service animals."
> A832, introduced by Assemblyman Nelson T. Albano (D - Cape May), and its
> companion bill, S1154 initiated by Senator Jeff Van Drew (D - Cape May),
> establish new crimes against people who intentionally harm or interfere
> with
> a service animal. Dusty's Law, A3226, sponsored by Assemblyman Robert
> Schroeder (R - Bergen) and Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R -
> Union/Somerset/Morris/Essex), establishes mandatory fines for pet owners
> whose dogs attack, injure, or otherwise interfere with a service animal.
> New Jersey is one of the few states that do not yet provide criminal
> sanctions for attacks and interference against service animals. For more
> information about how you can help protect guide dog teams, please visit
> The
> Seeing Eye's Web site at [2] www.SeeingEye.org/protector email [3]
> advocacy at seeingeye.org.
> Established in 1929, The Seeing Eye provides specially bred and trained
> dogs
> to guide people who are blind. Seeing Eye dog users experience greatly
> enhanced mobility and independence, allowing them to retain their active
> lifestyles despite blindness. The Seeing Eye is a philanthropy supported
> by
> contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, bequests,
> and
> other planned gifts.
> The Seeing Eye is a trademarked name and can only be used to describe the
> dogs bred and trained at the school s facilities in Morristown, N.J. If
> you
> would like more information on The Seeing Eye, please visit the website at
> [4] www.SeeingEye.org, call (973) 539-4425, or email [5]
> info at seeingeye.org.
> ###
> [6] www.SeeingEye.org
> References:
> 1. mailto:mbarlak at seeingeye.org
> 2. http://www.SeeingEye.org/protect
> 3. mailto:advocacy at seeingeye.org
> 4. http://www.SeeingEye.org
> 5. mailto:info at seeingeye.org
> 6. http://www.seeingeye.org/
> This message was sent to sherrill.obrien at verizon.net by
> noreply at seeingeye.org
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