[nagdu] Hold the med. community more accountable-- therapyandemotional support animals - leaping lizzards
Lisa Irving
lirving1234 at cox.net
Sun Feb 27 23:37:22 UTC 2011
Lyn, your remarks are the "voice of reason" in a sometimes unreasonable
environment, including the stiff-necked owner of the store down town that
denied you and Landon access a few months back.
My guide, Bernie, has been out of school for a little more than four months.
I get embarrassed and frustrated when he lunges at mini and medium sized
dogs; even after a high collar correction, , and les and less when the prong
collar is applied as a last resort. Beyond this work in progress tendency,
he melts into his environment.
Lisa and Bernie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lyn Gwizdak" <linda.gwizdak at cox.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Hold the med. community more accountable--
therapyandemotional support animals - leaping lizzards
>I remember when I lived in Boston in the 1970s, we went to a Watertown
>restaurant and the waitress was going to deny me access with my dog. She
>said, "The last time we had one of those [guide dog], it stunk so bad and
>we asked them to leave." I said that I wasn't that person and dog and my
>dog was clean and wwell behaved. this was before the ADA and we just had
>state laws t protect our access. the waitress let us in and there was no
>more problem.
> Yes, we all get judged based on what someone else does. Don'tcha know
> that we are all the same person regardless of race, gender, size. Someone
> is a jerk and thus ALL blind people must be jerks. I hate that and I make
> sure I'm not that person to make someone be negative towards another blind
> person.
> I think that along with our rights, there's our RESPONSITBILITY to make
> sure our dogs are clean, healthy, quiet, and wwell behaved. Our dogs are
> supposed to be somewhat unobtrusive in public places. So many people are
> so surprised when I get up from a table in a restaurant and they see the
> dog and they exclaim, "I didn't know a dog was under there!!!" And they
> comment on his good behavior and looks!
> I think that woman was totally wrong to bring an elderly, obviously ill,
> dog to that grooup. It stunk because it was unwell. In one of my groups,
> one of the guys brings his little Chihuahua to the meetings sometimes.
> that little dog runs around the table greeting everyone. But that dog is
> a real joy because she's so cute and quiet. She is even good with Landon
> and he wishes he can come up on the table to join litle Lilly who I dubbed
> Miss Piggy because she is all white with a little pink pig nose! So cute.
> All of us enjoy this little dog's visits.
> After Lilly's visits, she curls up in her owner's arms and snoozes for the
> rest of the meeting. And Landon snoozes and dreams under the table at my
> feet.
> Lyn and Landon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lisa Irving" <lirving1234 at cox.net>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Hold the med. community more accountable-- therapy
> andemotional support animals - leaping lizzards
>> I'd really like to hear from Toni Eames on this one. I know it's far
>> easier to speculate the necessity to regulate therapy and emotional
>> support dogs. I'm guessing it has been done because of reasons beyond my
>> recognition.
>> I participated in a support group a while back where a woman brought her
>> very ancient and stinky wiener dog. It walked across the table and
>> stopped to visit everyone. I dreaded the dog's visits because it stunk so
>> much. Even a well behaved guide dog that reeks can be denied access.
>> From my perspective it's so arbitrary and random to prescribe an animal
>> to make some one "FEEL" better, secure, calm etc. I'm guessing if there's
>> any regulating to be done with therapy and emotional support dogs, it
>> won't occur until the next time the ADA is re visited.
>> From, Lisa and Bernie.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Julie J" <julielj at neb.rr.com>
>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 6:59 AM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] hold the medicalcommunity responsible- leaping
>> lizzards
>>> Lisa,
>>> I have no clue what the answer is, but it is clear that way too many
>>> people are either way confused about what is a service animal or they
>>> have a clue and choose to do whatever it is they want to do anyway.
>>> A prescription for a dog does seem a bit foolhardy to me though. A dog
>>> isn't a prescription, I totally agree with you on that account.
>>> Prescriptions are regulated and there are very strict standards. No
>>> matter what pharmacy you go to or which brand you purchase you are
>>> guaranteed to get the exact dosage on your prescription.
>>> This isn't the case with a dog. What happens if a mental health
>>> practitioner prescribes a dog, the client goes to the pound, adopts one,
>>> brings it home and the beast turns out to be cujo? What happens if this
>>> experience causes the client's mental health to decline? What happens
>>> if injuries occur, either physical or mental? Is the practitioner
>>> accountable?
>>> I am very interested to see how the recent changes to the ADA will play
>>> out. It will be several years before we'll notice anything I think.
>>> Hopefully limiting service animals to dogs and mini horses will reduce
>>> the level of craziness.
>>> I still say that ultimately it is the behavior of the animal that needs
>>> to be answered for. And that is some seriously bad grammar! LOL
>>> Julie
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Lisa Irving" <lirving1234 at cox.net>
>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 4:14 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] hold the medicalcommunity responsible- leaping
>>> lizzards
>>>> It seems to me that part of the solution to limiting the plethora of
>>>> therapy and emotional support dogs is to create accountability within
>>>> the medical community. Mental health professionals and doctors
>>>> understand people not dogs. Some of the medical community can prescribe
>>>> medication. Therapy and emotional support dogs do not constitute a
>>>> prescription. For those of us who choose to go through formal training
>>>> at a guide dog school we have jump through many hoops. Why not design
>>>> similar hoops for patients and their mental health providers to work
>>>> through? I realize this is not the solution for everyone, especially
>>>> for those who self train their dog.
>>>>>From Lisa and Bernie al Message -----
>>>> From: "Ginger Kutsch" <gingerKutsch at yahoo.com>
>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 6:49 AM
>>>> Subject: [nagdu] Leapin' Lizards! Service Animals Are Multiplying
>>>> LikeDoggone Rabbits
>>>>> Leapin' Lizards! Service Animals Are Multiplying Like Doggone
>>>>> Rabbits
>>>>> Skippy the Iguana Keeps His Owner Calm, But Therapy Dog Maxx Is
>>>>> an Impostor.
>>>>> Wall Street Journal
>>>>> February 24, 2011
>>>>> Rhonda Kimmel's 11-year-old West Highland terrier, Maxx, goes
>>>>> with her everywhere-to the mall, restaurants and even to the
>>>>> bank.
>>>>> Cosmie Silfa relies on an unusual companion to help him stay
>>>>> clean and sober: Skippy, a four-year-old iguana. But changes to
>>>>> the Americans with Disabilities Act could decertify Skippy as an
>>>>> official service animal. WSJ's Clare Major reports.
>>>>> What gives Maxx entree to places normally off-limits to canines
>>>>> and other animals is the embroidered, purple vest he sports. It
>>>>> says: "Therapy Dog Maxx."
>>>>> Maxx is a lot of things, including well-behaved, and he is a
>>>>> faithful companion. What he is not, however, is a therapy dog or
>>>>> a service dog, and Ms. Kimmel is not disabled.
>>>>> Still, Ms. Kimmel says the vest, which she purchased online, no
>>>>> questions asked, makes people think otherwise, so they don't
>>>>> object to Maxx. "They know they are not supposed to ask," Ms.
>>>>> Kimmel says, alluding to the federal law that protects people
>>>>> with service animals from inquiries about the nature of their
>>>>> disability.
>>>>> The various uses for service animals, particularly dogs, have
>>>>> expanded in recent years beyond the traditional tasks of helping
>>>>> blind and deaf people get around safely. Dogs now are used to
>>>>> help people detect the onset of seizures, alert diabetics when
>>>>> their glucose levels drop too low, and remind psychiatric
>>>>> patients to take their medicine.
>>>>> View Full Image
>>>>> Brian L. Frank for The Wall Street Journal
>>>>> Cosmie Silfa says his iguana, Skippy, is a bona-fide service
>>>>> animal-and to buttress his point, he carries around a letter from
>>>>> his psychiatrist.
>>>>> .But the trend also means that there are many more ways to game
>>>>> the system-so pet lovers need never be without their companions,
>>>>> even if the rules say they should leave the shih tzu at home.
>>>>> Last summer, after Ocean Park, Md., resident Joseph Wayne Short
>>>>> began walking Hillary, his four-foot-long iguana on the
>>>>> boardwalk, the city council passed an ordinance prohibiting
>>>>> undomesticated animals from mingling with the public, according
>>>>> to City Solicitor Guy Ayres.
>>>>> Mr. Short fought back. He plunked down $64 to place Hillary on
>>>>> the Internet-based National Service Animal Registry, a private
>>>>> company that, among other things, sells service-animal
>>>>> credentials.
>>>>> Maxx
>>>>> .On the company website, where Hillary's picture and registration
>>>>> number is displayed, it says under service type: unspecified. But
>>>>> Mr. Short, who couldn't be reached for comment, has told people
>>>>> that Hillary keeps him calm.
>>>>> "The gentleman claimed that the iguana was his service animal, so
>>>>> I am not sure the police looked into it further," Mr. Ayres says.
>>>>> The registry didn't return repeated phone calls for comment.
>>>>> Cosmie Silfa, in San Francisco, also has a "service iguana." His
>>>>> name is Skippy. Mr. Silfa takes him on the bus and walks him in a
>>>>> local park.
>>>>> "He cradles him like a baby, a big scary baby," says Roy Mair,
>>>>> who works the front desk of the subsidized housing unit where Mr.
>>>>> Silfa lives. Mr. Silfa says what qualifies Skippy as a service
>>>>> animal is a letter from the psychiatrist who has been treating
>>>>> Mr. Silfa for depression. The letter says Skippy "helps him to
>>>>> maintain a stable mood."
>>>>> Fearing a backlash, advocates for the disabled last fall
>>>>> successfully lobbied the Department of Justice to narrow the
>>>>> definition of service animals.
>>>>> Beginning March 15, the Americans With Disabilities Act will only
>>>>> recognize dogs as service animals. The new regulations include a
>>>>> provision that says the public must accommodate, where
>>>>> reasonable, trained miniature horses as well.
>>>>> The new rules are an effort to "stop erosion of the public's
>>>>> trust, which has resulted in reduced access for many individuals
>>>>> with disabilities who use trained service animals that adhere to
>>>>> high behavioral standards," according to a Justice Department
>>>>> spokeswoman.
>>>>> The Department of Transportation, too, tried to crack down on
>>>>> dubious service animals on planes, but that created more problems
>>>>> than it solved.
>>>>> "It's a mess," says Toni Eames, president of the International
>>>>> Association of Assistance Dog Partners.
>>>>> The DOT attempted to weed out passengers pretending their pets
>>>>> were service animals in order to avoid having to ship them as
>>>>> cargo or, in the case of smaller animals, to keep them in a
>>>>> carrier at their feet.
>>>>> The new rules allow animals that aid people with physical
>>>>> disabilities to board a plane freely. The only question airline
>>>>> personnel are allowed to ask is how the animal assists the
>>>>> person.
>>>>> But passengers who want to board with psychiatric or
>>>>> emotional-support animals must contact the airline 48 hours
>>>>> before departure and submit a letter from a licensed
>>>>> mental-health professional that documents their mental or
>>>>> emotional illness.
>>>>> Mental-health advocates are outraged and have petitioned the
>>>>> Transportation Department to get rid of the new regulation.
>>>>> "We are forced to disclose we are mentally ill in order to fly.
>>>>> It's un-American," says Joan Esnayra, president of the
>>>>> Psychiatric Service Dog Society. "Everyone with a service dog
>>>>> should be treated the same."
>>>>> What's more, the new rules do little to get rid of the fakers.
>>>>> "If people are clever and they have a well-behaved dog, they know
>>>>> just what to say to get their dog on board," says Ms. Eames. "Or
>>>>> they can get a friendly psychologist to write a note."
>>>>> It's risky for businesses to deny access to people accompanied by
>>>>> service dogs-even if they think they are pretending to be
>>>>> disabled-because if suspicions prove to be unfounded, a business
>>>>> could face civil penalties of up to $55,000 for violating a
>>>>> person's civil rights.
>>>>> The new ADA rules might keep service iguanas Hillary and Skippy
>>>>> off the streets, should the authorities choose to clamp down. Mr.
>>>>> Silfa, Skippy's owner, says that would make him sad.
>>>>> "The natural sunlight is very good for him," Mr. Silfa says. "But
>>>>> I guess I'll have to cross that bridge if I get to it."
>>>>> Rhonda Kimmel, owner of "Therapy dog Maxx," says she hates to
>>>>> "take advantage." But she lives in such a hot climate, she argues
>>>>> that the only place Maxx can get some decent summer exercise is
>>>>> in the air-conditioned mall.
>>>>> Still, she says she knows when to draw the line. She recently was
>>>>> to meet with her lawyer, whose building doesn't allow dogs. So
>>>>> Ms. Kimmel, the lawyer and Maxx held their meeting outdoors.
>>>>> "I know I was pushing it and I didn't want to start a fight,"
>>>>> says Ms. Kimmel. "It's not like I'm blind or something."
>>>>> Write to Ann Zimmerman at ann.zimmerman at wsj.com
>>>>> URL:
>>>>> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487036521045761224611
>>>>> 80284204.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_ahed
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