[nagdu] . The dog who swallowed a $20,000-worth diamond ---.

Artie. anolden at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Jan 2 01:21:54 UTC 2011

    Courtesy: Peggy.

. Oddest Stories of 2010.

    The dog who swallowed a $20,000-worth diamond in a jewelery store.

A diamond dealer never imagined that his $20,000 dollar diamond would make for a good dog biscuit, but a dog named Sully had other plans. In March 2010, the dealer brought the $20,000 dollar gem into the Robert Bernard Jewelery Store to show owners Robert Rosin and George Kaufmann, but dropped it when he went to pull it from his pocket. In the blink of an eye, Sully, a golden retriever, pounced on the diamond and sent it down the hatch; it was by far the priciest dog treat Sully had ever tasted. Sully's expensive taste sent the owners of the jewelery store owners into a panic. A quick call to the vet and the owner's had a plan to retrieve the gem -- allow nature to take its course and don't leave Sully out of your sight.

Owner Kaufmann says it was an unpleasant experience, as he had to not only follow Sully, but also check up on the dog's bathroom breaks in hopes of finding the diamond.  After three days of careful search, Sully gave up the goods and the owners were able to return the stone back to its owner -- after a thorough shine and polish. Sully is back on a steady diet of regular doggy treats. (Link) 


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