[nagdu] guide dog policy at convention NFB anti dog?

Lyn Gwizdak linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Fri Jul 1 19:06:00 UTC 2011

What was on that t-shirt that was anti dog?  Just curious.

I went to the NFB convention in 2001 in Philadelphia and had my previous 
guide dog.  I didn't run into any particular thing that I'd say was anti 
dog.  Some individuals grumbled about dogs near them and some guide dog 
users grumbled about the canes whacking us or tripping us because the cane 
user didn't "choke up" in a crowd - they used their canes full out like in 
an uncrowded place.

I think I see more things that could be anti dog in the rehab centers but 
not really in the organization per se.  I've heard the NFB rehab centers 
can't be beat in their teaching cane skills.  In the past, there was alot of 
anti dog stuff - the Braille Monitor of October 1995.  But most of the NFB 
leadership has changed on that as they seem to have lightened up on their 
anti audible signal stance they had a number or years ago.

At that same convention in 2001, there were local guide dog puppy raisers 
who volunteered to dog sit during certain activities and the banquet.  I 
made use of this service for my dog during the banquet as the seating is so 
jammed close at the tables it was nice to just fold up a cane and have foot 
room.  Whatever happened to this service?  Did the NFB or NAGDU try to get 
volunteers do dog sit and just never find anyone to volunteer?

I liked that idea of having somethong like the childcare for the dogs so 
peoplle could leave their dogs in a safe, supervised space so the owners 
coould go do something that wasn't as dog friendly - like the tours during 
ripping hot weather.  Do you think the schools who come to convention woould 
have anyone to do this?  These are thoughts I have that might help solve the 
problem of dogs left in rooms alone.

And Marion, that was terrible aboout those people letting their dogs run in 
the hallways and then cussing you out when you intervened - no excuse and 
they should have been asked to leave after one warning.

All I know is this:  the problem behavior with the dogs has to stop or the 
NFB will have a hard time in getting a convention site or the nice rates for 
the rooms - they're cheaper than what the ACB gets for their convention. 
Perhaps the NAGDU and the NFB boards could get together and create a policy 
that everyone could stomach.  I'd like to see this and thus end the 
complaints when Marion reminds everyone of the rules each year before 

Have fun everyone!

Lyn and Landon

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "B Avila Guerrero" <guerrero.avila at sbcglobal.net>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] NFB Convention Guide Dog Policy

>I object as well! It's a good thing I wasn't planning on coming. We are a
> brand new Team, and if I had come, I was planning on leaving her in my 
> room
> on occasion.
> I am a fairly new NFB member, however, I have in the year and a half I 
> have
> been a member, noticed a bias against Dogs, and a very pro attitude 
> towards
> canes. This was evident by the t-shirt being promoted by Louisiana Tech a
> few months ago.
> I think it's time I re-think my NFB membership>
> Bertha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
> Of Tracy Carcione
> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:15 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] NFB Convention Guide Dog Policy
> I object to this policy.  I object to the notion that I need special rules
> and supervision because I choose to use a guide dog.  It makes me feel
> unwelcome at convention.  Of course, I'd be perfectly welcome, if I
> acknowledge that I need others to tell me how to handle my dog, or, better
> yet, leave the smelly troublmaking beast at home.
> So I will be spending my time, money, and energy in places where I will
> actually be treated like an intelligent, responsible adult.  Too bad
> that's not the NFB convention.
> Funny thing is, I bet  Marion would object too, if it wasn't NFB
> leadership decreeing it.
> Tracy
>> Dear All,
>>     In advance of the national convention, I want to remind everyone of
>> the NFB policy concerning guide dogs during convention. It is the
>> policy of the National Federation of the Blind, endorsed by the
>> national Association of Guide Dog Users, that guide dog shall not be
>> left unattended in guest rooms at any time. Violation of this policy
>> may result in the member's restriction from attending the next two (2)
>> conventions of the National Federation of the Blind. We appreciate
>> your cooperation and adherence to this policy.
>>     As the person responsible for responding to concerns about guide dogs
>> during our conventions, I want to share that I have had the necessity
>> to respond to at least two complaints during each convention for the
>> past four years. In every case, I was told by the guide dog user that
>> their dog does not bark when left alone, in spite of the evidence to
>> the contrary. It is not my desire to prohibit our members from
>> attending convention; however, it is also not my desire to allow a
>> guide dog user to disrupt others at convention by another's
>> irresponsible behavior. I encourage guide dog users to comply with
>> this policy in an effort to maintain order and peace during
>> convention.
>> Fraternally yours,
>> Marion Gwizdala, President
>> National Association of Guide Dog Users (NAGDU)
>> National Federation of the Blind
>> 813-626-2789
>> President at NAGDU.ORG
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