[nagdu] would the webmaster Information about Bermuda

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 9 13:05:54 UTC 2011

good morning all:

Would the webmaster, the person who puts stuff up on the website please contact me, I do have contact information about guide dogs in Bermuda.

This has come about since I am doing a cruise for a couple, who are both blind and going on a 7 day cruise to Bermuda from NY City.

They will have 2 days in Bermuda.

First Bermuda, you must get a form from Bermuda and it must be filled out by a USDA Certified Veterinarian. This is essential when traveling out of the country period.  The form needs to be done 10 days prior to arrival in that country, not 3 months before, not when you book your trip, 10 days prior by the Vet.

Now I believe that the Vets at the Guide Dog School are, I am not going to swear to it, but ask your vet if he/she is or not. It just means they have a special certification that allows them to use a certain stamp for there paperwork, like a notary has to have one.

If it is not done by that kind of vet and you submit the paperwork, it will not be accepted by that country you are visiting.

Bermuda is one of those countries.

Bermuda at this time does not have and laws pertaining to guide dogs.

But on the other hand the people that I know who have been there say they have not had any problems. The hotels if they are a national chain like Sheraton, will allow guide dogs under ADA, but why keep you dog on property when you want to go out.

It is up to the business person whether or not they will allow you to bring your dog with them into that establishment.

But I believe that NAGDU, and this is a recommendation when dealing with accessible issues traveling to other countries is to get acquainted with SATH (Society for Accessible Transportation and Hospitality), it is good to learn from others as well and we might be able to offer our hotlines as well to the organization. I am a member and it has helped in the past getting travel information for my business, but it might be a good match as well to associate with other organizations like this.

Leading the Way in Independent Travel!

Cheryl Echevarria
reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:reservations at echevarriatravel.com>

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel CST-1018299-10

Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise & Travel, Inc.

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