[nagdu] Different types of dogs

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 00:29:55 UTC 2011

Hi all,  If you need a guide dog and go to a school to get it, you probably
don't have a lot of choice in what breed of dog you want. You may be able to
state a preference,but that is no guarantee that you will actually get what
you asked for. I think that for a first time  dog user, it is wise to let
the school match you with the dog that they feel is best for you.Maybe on
your second time you can get the kind of dog you want as you will have the
experience of already working with a dog. Of course this is just my
opinion,but to me it makes sense. On the other hand, if you are an owner
trainer and have a certain preference, go for it!My chosen breed is the
Siberian Husky. This is not the breed for every one! There are many cons and
some pros. For me, I needed a dog that could keep up with my power
wheelchair and my very active life style.A breed that did not tire easily
and could go all day. The husky fit the bill for me.Since I already had a
husky service dog,I just trained her as a guide dog. She was a wonderful
guide but had to be retired early as she got Vally Fever. This is a disease
limited to the southwest. She died unexpectedly a month after her
retirement.I was lucky to have found another Husky to train as my next
guide. This dog has been an exceptional guide dog. She has gone above and
beyond as a guide dog.I don't expect to find another like her.I wish I could
have her cloned,but my finances being what they are,well it's just not
possible. When I was looking for another dog to take over for Nala so she
could retire, I just could not find a husky that could do the job. After
trying several that "washed out",I expanded my search to other breeds. I
found a Belgian Shepherd that had been rescued from a shelter. He was the
one that worked out. He has become a wonderful guide. We had a few setbacks
in the beginning but he has worked out very well.To date, Nala,my second
Husky has been the best guide I have ever had,but with time,who knows.
Shaman may become just as good. He is excellent when it comes to traffic
checks, and has already saved my butt several times!  Different people have
different needs when it comes to guide dogs. Some need fast dogs,some need
slower dogs. I consider myself very lucky to have found dogs of the breeds
that I like and had them become wonderful guides.But If I were to go to a
school to get a dog sometime in the future, I would probably take whatever
dog they matched me with as it is unlikely that I would get a Husky.Have a
great day,  Mardi andShaman and Nala,retired.


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