[nagdu] . Fireworks and Thunder, question?
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Tue Jun 28 17:15:53 UTC 2011
Great story, Tami!
> Steve,
> Don't know the name of the natural calming stuff with "comfort" in the
> name, but we've had good luck with Daisy with Rescue Remedy. I'd read
> about the coats to comfort dogs, but we never got around to getting one
> by the time Daisy's anxiety issues started to drop down into the "we can
> let the dog live" range. Whew!
> Funny thing. She was a total freak about thunderstorms and fireworks,
> more than with, well, everything. DD had been bringing her along there
> by holding her and comforting her, but she was still just totally off
> her nut over the things. More so than about everything. /smile/
> So shortly after I moved in with my poodle thing, there was this big
> storm a' blowin' in. Much excitement, announcements on the news, phone
> calls to & from friends. Really exciting, thrilling stuff. Er... This
> is western Oregon, remember. We had a freak storm this spring that was
> really extreme and lasted an entire 7 to 10 minutes. /lol/ Still, it's
> kinda fun to remember what *real* weather is like once in a while.
> Mitzi loves storms, funny girl, but we like to be out together in them
> -- being careful to take precautions against lightning, just in case.
> Anyway, big storm bearing down on us, going to blow us all away, and our
> house right in the path! We got all set up for Daisy management, then
> Mitzi and I stepped outside to enjoy the storm as it became palpable in
> the air.
> Well! Daisy was *not* about to be left out of that action! So I opened
> the door for her, and she came bouncing out... Then realized what was
> going and stared around ferociously, looking to take on whatever it was
> she needed to take on... She gave a few practice barks, then looked
> around... She watched Mitzi bouncing and whirling in the growing wind
> with a bitter expression. I tried to muffle my laughter. DD was at the
> door, ready to let his crazed beast in at the first time of trouble. He
> finally went back in to the couch and TV to watch the news of the storm
> as it moved our way. It was predicted to pass right over our heads at
> any moment, he kept informing me, starting to sound a little huffy over
> my good cheer at the news. /lol/
> And then it happened... A rumble of thunder to the west. Daisy was all
> over that. She sped to the porch fence, in full bark, and she told that
> storm exactly what it had in store if it even dared to come where she
> could get her teeth on it. There was another, louder rumble. Daisy was
> not backing down!
> And then, in the way of our teensy weather events, the storm veered and
> went around us. Daisy was so impressed with herself, she didn't know
> what to do! She had taken on the thunder, and she had shown it who was
> boss! That was one empowered crazy hound dog, I tell you!
> She has not even twitched at thunder, fireworks, transformer explosions
> or anything since.
> So, I guess the real cure for fear of thunder and fireworks, is to
> arrange an opportunity for the dog to chase the storm away. /lol/
> On Sun, 2011-06-26 at 18:48 -0500, Steven Johnson wrote:
>> Hi Art,
>> I am not sure where that disarm thing is from, or where it came
>> from...hmmm,
>> interesting.
>> It's sounds like you are in an interesting area of Florida especially
>> with
>> the rainy season and dry season. We are fortunate to not have the dry
>> stuff
>> this year and in fact, have had approximately 9 inches of rain since
>> last
>> Saturday here in Western Wisconsin! The rivers are high, the grass is
>> very
>> green, the produce is growing nicely in my garden, but the damn bugs are
>> freaking huge!
>> One thing my guide's trainer and vet recommended was the Thunder Shirt.
>> She
>> has been getting a little better and we will face another test tonight
>> as
>> storms are expected to roll in again. There is also the suggestion of
>> prescribing Zanex, but I really want to stay away from Rx meds. One of
>> my
>> coworkers did mention a natural remedy, but for the life of me cannot
>> remember the name. It surrounded the name comfort, but just can't
>> remember
>> it at all. I do like the post though as tis the season for loud noises!
>> Ah, snow is so much more quiet!
>> Steve & Misha
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Arthur Nolden
>> Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 5:43 PM
>> To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] . Fireworks and Thunder, question?
>> Steve, I posted this item here, as I was looking for opinions
>> pro or
>> con. Perhaps some have other recommendations.
>> We got lucky here in west central Flor'da. Hope our lukc stays
>> with
>> us for another week or so. As of yesterday, Friday, There was a ban on
>> the
>> use of fireworks mandated for Hillsboro, Pinelass, and Pasco Counties --
>> because we haven't had rain here during our Dry Season, and everything
>> is
>> like kindling.
>> Princess and I are in the area of west central flor'da which the
>> chasco
>> Indian tribe named "the Best Li'l Aker in Paradise", when translated
>> into
>> English. To the north, south, and east of us, it'll rain, but not
>> here.
>> In April we had one little rain event, and ditto that for May. Our
>> first
>> rain in June happened Saturday morning, for maybe 15 minutes, although
>> areas
>> around us got an hour, and maybe more. Today we had that water stuff
>> fall
>> out of the sky for a few hours, just enough to make a mess.
>> Our Rany Season starts here at the Best Li'l Aker in Paradise on
>> Tuesday
>> the 28th. We got hit 3 days ahead of schedule. For the sake of the
>> dogs,
>> we hope the ban on fireworks continues. Thunder is enough; don't need
>> the
>> four days of man-made noise.
>> The subject field said "left brace disarmed right brace". Wy is
>> that?
>> Artie and GDF Golden guide dog JJ by the Gulf,
>> west central Florida.
>> Dusty's Light Will Shine Forever!
>> and sweet Charcoal, who has received her Beautiful
>> Angel Wings, her Loving Memory lives on in our hearts.
>> From: "Steven Johnson"
>> June 26, 2011 5:09 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] . Fireworks and Thunder, question?
>> Thanks so much for this. My guide and I were just in a tornado back on
>> May
>> 22, and she has displayed some anxiety now after this weather event. I
>> initially tired to comfort her, but then ceased this as I knew better.
>> We
>> are working through it. I will post this on our WAGDU site...again,
>> thanks
>> much!
>> Steve & Misha
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