[nagdu] PA Evans'Bill to Help Protect Service Animals Receives House Endorsement
Passle Helminski
passle at roadrunner.com
Wed Mar 9 00:54:08 UTC 2011
>>>Please cross post.
>>Thank you,
>>>Evans' Bill to Help Protect Service Animals Receives House Endorsement
>>>HARRISBURG, PA - Legislation that will help protect service
>>>animals from attacks by other animals has won the endorsement of
>>>the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, said Rep. John Evans
>>>(R-Erie/Crawford), author of the measure.
>>>"Service animals, in particular, are trained not to fight back in
>>>an attack with another animal, and as a result, can suffer even
>>>greater injuries," said Evans, who has been working to obtain
>>>legislative approval for this bill for the past three sessions.
>>>Specifically, House Bill 165 would set criminal and civil
>>>penalties on individuals who own or co-own a dog that kills, maims
>>>or disfigures the guide dog of an individual who is blind, a
>>>hearing dog of an individual who is deaf or audibly impaired, or a
>>>service dog of an individual who is physically limited.
>>>If found to be in violation, the offender would face a
>>>first-degree misdemeanor and face up to $1,000 and/or jail time of
>>>up to two years. In addition to any other fine or penalty, a
>>>person convicted under this new law would be required to make
>>>reparations for veterinary costs in treating the guide, hearing or
>>>service dog and, if necessary, the cost of a replacement dog.
>>>"These service animals reflect a significant investment of the
>>>time, training and expense of their owners," Evans said. "For
>>>owners of dogs that are prone to attack to recklessly and
>>>willfully allow their animals to seriously injure a service dog
>>>and then to escape civil and criminal liability is unfair. Our
>>>laws must address this type of irresponsible behavior on the part
>>>of these pet owners."
>>>Evans pointed out that his legislation is not designed to punish
>>>responsible pet owners, but to add teeth to state law so that
>>>owners who purposely allow their dogs to run loose will be more
>>>accountable for their dog's actions.
>>>The legislation now heads to the state Senate for consideration.
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