[nagdu] Restaurant ordered service dog to lobby

Larry D. Keeler lkeeler at comcast.net
Wed Nov 9 01:47:38 UTC 2011

Yah, we need to take all of our four legged furry friends over there and 
chase the two legged rats out!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire" <orleans24 at comcast.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Restaurant ordered service dog to lobby

> Yayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyayyay!!!
> Definitely a good cause right there.
> I remember back when I attended a Guide Dog Users Inc national convention 
> in Jacksonville, Florida, we had to face a problem with a restaurunt owner 
> who wouldn't allow a group of guide dogs in the place.
> He said he'd only allow six guide dogs.
> Well, the Jacksonville, Florida Police Department was called out and the 
> police officer on scene told the manager either to let the guide dog group 
> come in, or his restaurunt would be shut down immediately.
> What is sad here in this matter is the individual is also blind and he 
> knew dog gone better  than that.
> I wasn't there during the incident, but heard about it at a seminar 
> meeting later on that day.
> I'm sorry to say this, but more four-legged pawmans are on the rise and so 
> are a range of disabilities too.
> I think it would be awesome if all of us with guide/assistance dogs could 
> march down there to that place and get ourselves some food.
> It would probably scare the crumbs out of that manager or stick some sense 
> into her deeply.
> Then again, don't think she'd give a (you know what) or bleeping care.
> Bibi and Odie
> the happy spirited bounty labra wolf
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