[nagdu] Three questions about "winterizing" a guide dog
rainshadowmusic at shaw.ca
Tue Nov 15 05:00:57 UTC 2011
Well being that I'm in Vancouver on the west coast, a rain coat is very important. I just had to replace bogart's because the one I got while at the school last year was probably too small to begin with but certainly, now that he has filled out to his proper weight, way too small. I don't know what the brand is but I got it a store called Tissell which I think is www.tissell.ca
Bogart really hates his rain coat but I'm thinking it reminds him of his guide dog in traning vest he used to wear. Just means he tends to be much more docile when wearing and on leash. My new one is a light green colour. sounds ugly but it actually isn't and is nice and bright for better visibility. even I can see it at times. :)
tried the booties last year when we had a snow storm. I apparently lost the first one before leaving the building since it reappeared in front of my door. I lost another on the walk home. We don't get that much snow so I've decided not to worry about booties and just wipe /clean his feet. if we get snow that lasts longer, over a couple of weeks, then I'll try again.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy Carcione <carcione at access.net>
Date: Monday, November 14, 2011 6:47 pm
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Three questions about "winterizing" a guide dog
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> I use a raincoat on my lab fairly often. The coat I have
> came from GDB,
> and it's the nicest I've seen, though I haven't looked in
> years. It's
> sturdy, and has velcro on the front of the chest, and a belt
> that goes
> around the belly and attaches with velcro. It's fit 3 dogs
> well so far.
> If anyone knows where to buy one, I'd like to know. The only
> drawback is I
> have to remove the harness to put it on.
> I've tried boots, but even when I pull them tight, at least one
> falls off.
> Right now, I only have 3 boots, and what good is that?
> I live in Jersey and work in New York, and I know the "wintry
> mix" well.
> Sometimes, it's best to find another way to get wherever than
> walking a
> long way in the cold. Although, when I was much younger, I
> did walk home
> in a Minnesota blizzard, though I did stop in a bar partway home
> to get
> warmed up. Still, it was quite a trek through deep, fresh
> snow. Even
> then, I wasn't eager to do it again.
> I also got hit by a car one night on my way home in Queens
> during an ice
> storm. There wasn't enough traffic to read the light well,
> and it was too
> dark and snowy probably for the driver to see me in time, though
> he did
> try to stop.
> So be careful, and be wise.
> Tracy
> > Greetings All,
> >
> > I'd be interested to hear what folks in cold climes do to help
> ensure that
> > your dogs remain safe, healthy and comfortable indoors and out
> during the
> > Winter months. My dog Marqi and I will be doing much more
> walking this
> > Winter as I transition from a part-time to a full-time student
> at my
> > college, which is a 20 or 30 minute walk each way. This region of
> > Southeast Pennsylvania tends to experience a lot of what we
> call a "Wintry
> > Mix" meaning cold rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow and wind
> all thrown
> > together in the same storm.
> >
> > The three main questions I have are:
> > 1. Have you used a raincoat for your dog to wear while he /
> she is
> > working? If you answered yes, were you and the dog happy with the
> > raincoat? If yes, what was or is the make and model and
> where did you
> > purchase it?
> > 2. Marqi is a Black Lab / Golden cross with a propensity to
> shed even
> > while I brush her multiple times a day. A family member gave
> me a special
> > brush called "The Furminator," and while this brush does seem
> to help cut
> > down on her shedding, I'm concerned that it might also be
> removing the
> > layer of fur that exists naturally to help keep her warm in cooler
> > weather. Thoughts?
> > 3. I have a set of boots given to me by TSE. Marqi
> tolerates them but I
> > do recall many of my veteran TSE classmates panning the boots,
> saying they
> > were more trouble than they're worth and suggesting that
> wiping the dog's
> > paws with a damp towel after each walk is sufficient. THoughts from
> > experience?
> >
> > Thank you in advance,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
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