[nagdu] Getting A Dog
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Sun Oct 16 22:12:30 UTC 2011
Yah, thats aweful! Its kind of like stealing your kid! I have been known
to twist a finger or two. If someone asks to pet Holly while we are
working, I explain what she is doing and why she doesn't get to be petted.
Then, if they put a hand on her, I grab the hhand. If its not a kid who
doesn't really know better, I give it a squeeze and a twist. Yes, I have
been yelled at for such a thing but I figure if some touches me when I say
no they get what they get and same goes for my dog!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire" <orleans24 at comcast.net>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Getting A Dog
> Hi, Harold,
> What an awful thing to go through, having your partner taken from you in a
> bad way like that.
> Honestly, that's why I'm very lurry about who gets to know my dog and who
> I will not allow to know him personally.
> Odie feels the same way.
> If it comes to people we both don't know, he won't allow unknown
> individuals to touch him.
> I happened to be on the route9 bus going back home from 10th and Federal
> Boulevard here in Denver, Colorado after Bowling League practice.
> While I had Odie lying on the floor up against the seat and securly tucked
> behind my legs, I then heard a man diagnally across from me say, "Excuse
> me, mam."
> The bus driver then asked, "Are you speaking to me?"
> The passenger answered, "I was talking to the lady with the dog."
> He then went on to ask, "What's your dog's name?"
> Bus driver asks, "Why is that any of that your concern?"
> I just told the passenger that I call my dog Big Boy and it was all over.
> I didn't blame the bus driver for her response as she likes to make sure
> that the ADA passengers who do have service dogs are kept safe and no one
> tries to mess with the four-legged furry pawsengers on the bus either.
> She also told me that she watched the guy closely and to her, it looked
> as if he was going to try to come up and pet my son.
> A good command I have established with Odie is to tell him "go with
> him/her" only if it is his daddy, well-known friends, veternarian staff or
> groomers that I feel comfortable with and can trust.
> As for a service dog being stolen and depending on each state, that's
> actually a federal offense crime as much as it would be for carelessly
> murdering one.
> Although I've personally have never experienced that type of theft, to me,
> it still is sad and disgusting.
> My hopes are that you don't ever go through that again.
> Blessings,
> Bibi and Odie
> the happy spirited bounty labra wolf
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