[nagdu] Stress Issues
Tami Kinney
tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Tue Sep 6 18:04:45 UTC 2011
I tried suggesting to DD a couple of times that we try to get Daisy
turned on to the idea of being vacuumed. After I'd spent a couple of
years doing trust building so that I could not only touch her all over
without risking a hand but actually brush her lightly and even get her
to accept more than a single stroke or two. He still gets nervous
sometimes when he notices I'm brushing her. Really, that poor dog picked
up a lot of issues in her early life. Actually, I still just sneak in a
little bit of brushing when I'm brushing Mitzi, because then Daisy gets
jealous and practically demands it. Sometimes, I bring up the brush and
end up brushing only Daisy, because she wants all that for herself. But
I'm super careful and make it a game. So convincing her to let the
vacuum cleaner hose anywhere near her would take quite a bit of doing.
Still, it would help a lot because her short, stiff hound hairs are
impossible to vacuum out of the carpet, upholstery, truck, etc. with out
a whole lot of work. Whereas they seem to come off the dog quite
easily. /smile/
I dunno. Maybe e when Daisy leaves us, I'll see about making a game with
Mitzi so I can vacuum some of the great outdoors from the ends of her
curls? /lol/ I'm really bad about remembering that when her last cut
starts to grow out I need to clean the backyard off of her before we
come in. DD Doesn't even grumble anymore, just sighs and hauls out the
vacuum cleaner. He loves the nonshedding of the poodle and I have a
sneaking suspicion he secretly wants to get himself one of his very own
one of these days. Well, by that time maybe we will have moved (I hope!)
or our back yard will be sufficiently rehabbed to grow a decent lawn or
something so there will be less bark dust and dirt to bring in on the
curls? A girl can dream! /lol/
On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 18:28 -0600, Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
> Hi, Tami, Lora and all,
> Since the weather's been behaving weird here in Colorado, Odie's been
> shedding tremendous amounts of hair like crazy.
> Both Dale and I aren't stressing and neither is Odie. We'be been easy going
> and relaxed.
> Sometimes, Dale or I will use the Hoover Cleaner vacuum hose to suck the
> loose hair off of Odie which does help.
> All I do when using the vacuum cleaner hose is put the loud, noisy part in
> another room and have the extentions attached to the hose and just get the
> loose hair off of Odie in the doorway of the bedroom.
> Before I do turn on the vacuum cleaner, I just let him see and smell the
> hose and parts I plan on using first.
> After that, vacuum cleaner is then turned on and Odie gets praised lots
> while I'm sucking up the loose hair.
> Most Dale and I do with Odie is when the shedding part is really bad, he
> gets brushed at least three times daily throughoutt the day.
> I also use a shedless shampoo when Odie is being bathed as that also helps
> cut down on the normous amount of shedding.
> Speaking of Odicans, he just had his bath today and feels lot fresher with
> smelling great too.
> *Smiles*
> Bibi
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