[nagdu] Stress Issues
Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
orleans24 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 7 03:10:34 UTC 2011
hi, Lora,
What you might want to look here is how to make adjustments with your
schedule so your dog has some free time and you both can play together.
I had a busy schedule myself for a while.
Still, I'd slip in a time slot for Odie and I to have a break from one
another and we'd also play little games of hide and seek.
Other times, we'd lightly wrestle each other on the floor or I wukk throw a
toy across the apartment by the front door to make him chase it upon
bringing it back into the bedroom.
He will lie down on the floor and chew on it, especially if it is a nyla
Sometimes during school, I'd happily take Odie's harness off of him to let
him stretch, spraw out next to me while I sat at a table and he lie down on
the floor.
At times, I'd bring a few bones for him to play with or chew on just to help
relieve pressure and stress.
One game I remember playing with Odie was when I decided to fit myself into
his porta crate.
He'd look at me and have that look as to say, "Uh Mommy! What are you doing
in there?"
Just some thoughts and suggestions.
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