[nagdu] stop barking

Stepper stepper12 at cableone.net
Fri Sep 16 04:58:58 UTC 2011

Hi, about barking.
I had two guide dogs, Yellow Lab Male Hart from Pilot Dogs for five years.
Yellow Lab female 13 years from GDB named Bear.
Not just my guides, but all our dogs this how we stopped barking.
If the dogs were inside or outside we found the key for us was we stopped whatever we were doing at the time, and would go to the dog barking and do the sit command using there choke chain and then bend over    and look right into there face saying with firmness and slowly, "No Barking!" three times, and then stay still with them for 15 seconds or so.
It really worked well with all our dogs.
I believe it was because we took the time and interrupted the barking pattern, whether it was one bark or more.
In a way its like with children.
Lots of people just won't take the time and effort to do what it takes at the moment.

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