[nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork
melissa green
graduate56 at juno.com
Sat Apr 21 05:45:45 UTC 2012
Oh no, I was very outspoken about my process of going to GdF.
In my case, I discovered that a certain staff member was losing the
paperwork, the vidios, and sending e-mails that said things like you weren't
When I did go to GDF, I found out that there was someone else that this had
happened too as well.
I also have a friend who got aproved for home training and it hasn't
happened. This staff member has told her that its because she wants a
specific breed and that is why its taking so long, and that its her fault.
Yet, I had the same experiences with the Seing eye. Lost paper work, and
staff members making the decisions that they think is the right one.
I am glad that I have my girl from GDF. I believe that grads of schools and
others need to continue to speak out and to complain. That is the only way
that it can change.
Melissa and Pj
The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And
the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance
but live right in it, under its roof.
Facebook: Melissa R. Green
Twitter: melissa5674
windows messenger: graduate1531 at msn.com
skype: lisssa5674
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lisa belville" <missktlab1217 at frontier.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork
Jewel, Oh, I'm sorry you're having this issue with the school.
Unfortunately, this is a chronic issue with the GDF. They admit it's an
issue and say they're
taking steps to fix it, but it's still happening, and not just to new
applicants, but to returning grads.
The training is good, but you still need to go through the same office if
you want to talk to your trainer or fax a vet form.
I used to be one of the biggest GDF cheerleaders out there; I helped run
their Email list and was on their alumni council for a year. I had these
things happen to me, and I've known people who have had it happen to them.
I don't really feel comfortable referring people to the GDF anymore because
of it. I get it: They are responsible for a huge amount of papers and
Emails and faxes that come through there, but every guide dog school has to
contend with Emails and faxes and paper work and they don't have these
issues. If I kept losing paperwork at my last job I would have been fired.
As I said before, how a school handles confidential and time sensitive info,
and how they respond to questions from frustrated applicants who need to
send a medical report just one more time is just as important as the
training and how you're encouraged to work with your dog.
This is really heartbreaking for me, no kidding, because I've been
affiliated with the GDF since 1995. I got to try a GDF demo dog at the 95
convention and that clenched it for me. I've received two awesome dogs from
the GDF, I know how good it can be, and I'd love to see it that good again.
Yes, things change, but change doesn't mean it has to be done at the cost of
time and stress on people who just want a well-trained dog to enrich their
life and provide efficient mobility.
I'd encourage other GDF grads on this list to speak out. I know I'm not the
only one to deal with these issues. Most people just put up with it or get
frustrated and move on to another school. Addressing it with school staff
really hasn't helped because they claim these are just isolated incidents
when they are most certainly not.
1st Law of Procrastination: that which can be done will be done . . .
Lisa Belville
missktlab1217 at frontier.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jewel" <herekittykat2 at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork
> It's funny you mention GDF, Lisa, because that's the school I am
> applying to who lost the paperwork. I didn't want to name names, but
> you already pointed out the problem, so I feel it's okay for me to
> point it out, too.
> Is the poor paperwork organization, in your opinion, something that
> affects the school's performance when it comes to training? To send
> vet reports, do you scan them into your computer and then e-mail them,
> or do you send them another way? What's the best way to deal with this
> issue?
> I've been impressed with GDF up to this point. I am concerned that
> this will become a problem for me in the future, so am a little
> hesitant about going to GDF now...but I really like their program.
> Should I apply to another school? Or should I just learn to work
> around the poor organization skills of the school?
> Lisa, I'd love to hear about how you deal with this problem, and
> whether you feel, knowing now what you do aobut paperwork problems and
> the like, whether you would go back to GDF.
> Thank you all for the comments so far; I remain concerned...
> ~Jewel
> On 4/19/12, Tracy Carcione <carcione at access.net> wrote:
>> Hi Jewel.
>> I'd be mighty annoyed if that happened to me, especially if they lost
>> stuff I had to pay to get, like a medical report and an O&M report. And,
>> considering how much I had to bug my references to get it done, that
>> would
>> be annoying, too.
>> I think Cindy's suggestion is a good one. See if there's a supervisor
>> who
>> can open drawers and look behind the desk, I guess. Sheesh! Pretty
>> sloppy!
>> Hope you can get it straightened out.
>> Tracy
>>> Hey guys,
>>> Has anyone experienced a guide dog school losing your paperwork? The
>>> school I want to attend says they don't have my medical report, my O&M
>>> report, and my references. I know for a fact that I sent the medical
>>> report with the video that they do have (they watched it, so they do
>>> have that), my O&M instructor says he sent his report, and all three
>>> of my references said they sent their reference letters. On top of
>>> this, when I had an interview, I was told the interview was the only
>>> thing they didn't have in my files. The interviewer also made a second
>>> video of me walking, and they can't find that, either. I've been
>>> offered a spot in the July class, as long as all my paperwork goes
>>> through and I'm accepted, but I *sent* all that stuff. Should I just
>>> go get everything all over again, or should I hold them accountable
>>> for the lost paperwork...and do what?
>>> Concerned about the school's organization,
>>> Jewel
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