[nagdu] guide dogs of Texas, was Re: GDF and NAGDU conventions

Laurel laurel.stockard at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 16:19:32 UTC 2012

That's great! The last thing I heard is that they were still only
doing donated dogs. I'm really happy for them. Do they have any breeds
aside from labs?
Laurel and Stockard

On 4/23/12, Melissa Padron <fuzzylucky2021 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm from San Antonio and I've volunteered at Guide Dogs of Texas. I think
> they started in 1989. They just started their own breeding program. I think
> they are on their second or third litter. A majority of their dogs are labs.
> Melissa
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Laurel <laurel.stockard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Lyn,
>> I'm not Jeanine, but I can tell you that this school is in San
>> Antonio. They only serve people who live in Texas and they've been
>> around since the mid 90s I think, I don't know the exact year. I don't
>> know exactly how many teams they graduate per year, but the last
>> number I've heard was 12 to 20. Hope that helps answer your question.
>> Laurel and Stockard
>> On 4/23/12, Lyn Gwizdak <linda.gwizdak at cox.net> wrote:
>>> Janine,
>>> Where is Guide Dogs of Texas?  When was it founded?  I haven't heard
>>> about
>>> that one.  Anyone on the list go there?  what breeds do they use?
>>> Lyn and Landon
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "cheryl echevarria" <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com>
>>> To: "nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 3:47 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] GDF and NAGDU conventions
>>>> Thank you for the explanation, since GDF is the only school that I know
>>>> of
>>>> personally.
>>>> We remember that!
>>>> See you at convention!
>>>> Leading the Way in Independent Travel!
>>>> Cheryl Echevarria
>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.com
>>>> 631-456-5394
>>>> reservations at echevarriatravel.com
>>>> For daily updates read our blog at
>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.wordpress.com
>>>>> From: jeninems at wowway.com
>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>> Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 17:07:40 -0400
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] GDF and NAGDU conventions
>>>>> Cheryl,
>>>>> Technically, GDF is considered a smaller school. We graduate around 100
>>>>> teams per year, more if you count the service dog teams which brings
>>>>> the
>>>>> total to around 120 or so.
>>>>> We have a smaller training staff, a smaller administrative staff and
>>>>> hence
>>>>> less ability to go to conferences and such.
>>>>> The "large schools" include The Seeing Eye, Guide Dogs for the Blind,
>>>>> Guiding Eyes  and Leader Dogs which all have over 150 teams graduated
>>>>> per
>>>>> year and larger training and administrative staffs.
>>>>> These days we're probably in that middle category of schools along with
>>>>> Pilot dogs and Southeastern Guide Dogs
>>>>> The truly small schools include Guide Dogs of America, Guide Dogs of
>>>>> the
>>>>> Desert, Fidelco and the other very small ones out there such as Guide
>>>>> Dogs
>>>>> of Texas.
>>>>> Jenine Stanley
>>>>> jeninems at wowway.com
>>>>> http://www.twitter.com/jeninems
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>> Behalf
>>>>> Of cheryl echevarria
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 1:39 PM
>>>>> To: nagdu
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] GDF and NAGDU conventions
>>>>> Lyn:
>>>>> John was there last year at convention, nice man.
>>>>> Also, GDF is one of the larger schools.
>>>>> Leading the Way in Independent Travel!
>>>>> Cheryl Echevarria
>>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.com
>>>>> 631-456-5394
>>>>> reservations at echevarriatravel.com
>>>>> For daily updates read our blog at
>>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.wordpress.com
>>>>>> From: linda.gwizdak at cox.net
>>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>>> Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 10:20:55 -0700
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] GDF and NAGDU conventions
>>>>>> Hi Jenine,
>>>>>> I don't know why we still squabble about what organization prefers
>>>>>> whatever other organization still goes on.  Here we are, in a time of
>>>>>> economic decline and at risk for losing everything we've gained for
>>>>>> the last 50 years, and we can find nothing to put energy into except
>>>>>> to complain that X Group doesn't like Y Group.
>>>>>> I've never seen either the NFB or the ACB show preference for any
>>>>>> particular schools.  Many schools can't afford to send people to both
>>>>>> conventions anymore or do the programs or events they did in the past.
>>>>>> I would have no idea as to schools prefering one blindness
>>>>>> organization over another one - guide dog users are guide dog users no
>>>>> matter if they belong to NFB or ACB.
>>>>>> No matter which organization we belong to, we still love our dogs the
>>>>> same.
>>>>>> And the schools do what they can to outreach to us.
>>>>>> I'd like to see outreach at the conventions but I'd also like to see
>>>>>> resources being used for the guide dog school programs themselves. GDF
>>>>>> has always been a smaller school so has always been less able to send
>>>>>> reps to conventions like the larger schools do.  Even TSE has cut back
>>>>>> on things.  I got my first two dogs from GDF when John Byfield was
>>>>>> there.
>>>>>> Lyn and Landon
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Jenine Stanley" <jeninems at wowway.com>
>>>>>> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:55 AM
>>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] GDF and NAGDU conventions
>>>>>>> HI Cheryl,
>>>>>>> I'm answering this in my official capacity as the GDF Consumer
>>>>>>> Relations Coordinator.
>>>>>>> First off, GDF has no bias toward any consumer organization. I've
>>>>>>> heard this rumor about various schools since I began looking at them
>>>>>>> in 1987.
>>>>>>> It so happens that several members of the current GDf Alumni Council
>>>>>>> are either NFB and/or NAGDU members and will be present at this
>>>>>>> year's convention assisting us. The number of graduates who do claim
>>>>>>> affiliation with NAGDU voluntarily has grown significantly since
>>>>>>> 2008. I'm quite proud of that actually and enjoy the NFB and NAGDU
>>>>> conventions tremendously.
>>>>>>> As with all non-profit organizations, this is a difficult economic
>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>> We
>>>>>>> simply cannot afford the types of events we used to have for
>>>>>>> graduates and prospective students. Other schools have also cut back
>>>>>>> their events at national conventions.
>>>>>>> I find it very powerful that though we no longer have these events,
>>>>>>> our graduate force within NAGDU has grown so much. I thank everyone
>>>>>>> for that and for learning about us.
>>>>>>> I again look forward to coming to the NAGDU convention and
>>>>>>> introducing our Alumni Council.
>>>>>>> Jenine Stanley
>>>>>>> Consumer Relations Coordinator
>>>>>>> Guide Dog Foundation and America's VetDogs jenine at guidedog.org
>>>>>>> jeninems at wowway.com http://www.twitter.com/jeninems
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>>>> Behalf Of cheryl echevarria
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 7:37 AM
>>>>>>> To: nagdu
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork and
>>>>>>> convention
>>>>>>> Good morning all:
>>>>>>> I have noticed over the years as being a graduate of GDF, that there
>>>>>>> have been less and less graduates at convention. I also noticed on
>>>>>>> the GDF List, and I am no longer on there, I just decided to much is
>>>>>>> to much.
>>>>>>> But I noticed that I was the only NAGDU member or NFB Member, I knew
>>>>>>> Lisa was on here a few times, and Marilyn Tucci is on here now, etc,
>>>>>>> as well as some others.  But I don't want to put foot in mouth here,
>>>>>>> but I had mentioned this to our President before, President
>>>>>>> Gwizdala, that I felt that the school was a lot GDUI and ACB then
>>>>>>> anything else. I know schools are not supposed to be biased, but I
>>>>>>> felt that from the beginning.  I have nothing against the other
>>>>>>> organization at all, I am just a member of NFB and NAGDU, my choice!
>>>>>>> What does this have to do with losing paperwork, nothing.
>>>>>>> But with Convention only a few short months away, maybe this is
>>>>>>> something that can be brought up at convention, when we have opened
>>>>>>> Q&A
>>>>> with GDF.
>>>>>>> Also, I have noticed as well, that at conventions many of the
>>>>>>> schools have an event for the graduates, GDF used to take it's grads
>>>>>>> to lunch or anyone interested in learning more about GDF was
>>>>>>> invited.
>>>>>>> GDF hasn't done this since our last Convention in Dallas, when
>>>>>>> Nelson and I were there in, 2008.
>>>>>>> JMO!
>>>>>>> Cheryl and Maxx
>>>>>>> Leading the Way in Independent Travel!
>>>>>>> Cheryl Echevarria
>>>>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.com
>>>>>>> 631-456-5394
>>>>>>> reservations at echevarriatravel.com
>>>>>>> For daily updates read our blog at
>>>>>>> http://www.echevarriatravel.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 02:19:56 -0700
>>>>>>>> From: rhondaprincess at gmail.com
>>>>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork
>>>>>>>> hello lisa.
>>>>>>>> i think you should keep on speeking up. and makeing lots of
>>>>>>>> nouise.
>>>>>>>> that's the only way.
>>>>>>>> to get what you want.
>>>>>>>> i hope it all works out.
>>>>>>>> *hugs* from rhonda.
>>>>>>>> On 4/20/12, melissa green <graduate56 at juno.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Lisa,
>>>>>>>>> Oh no, I was very outspoken about my process of going to GdF.
>>>>>>>>> In my case, I discovered that a certain staff member was losing
>>>>>>>>> the paperwork, the vidios, and sending e-mails that said things
>>>>>>>>> like you weren't accepted.
>>>>>>>>> When I did go to GDF, I found out that there was someone else
>>>>>>>>> that this had happened too as well.
>>>>>>>>> I also have a friend who got aproved for home training and it
>>>>>>>>> hasn't happened.  This staff member has told her that its because
>>>>>>>>> she wants a specific breed and that is why its taking so long,
>>>>>>>>> and that its her
>>>>>>> fault.
>>>>>>>>> Yet, I had the same experiences with the Seing eye.  Lost paper
>>>>>>>>> work, and staff members making the decisions that they think is
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> right one.
>>>>>>>>> I am glad that I have my girl from GDF.  I believe that grads of
>>>>>>>>> schools and others need to continue to speak out and to complain.
>>>>>>>>> That is the only way that it can change.
>>>>>>>>> Blessings,
>>>>>>>>> Melissa and Pj
>>>>>>>>> The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you
>>>>>>>>> hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not
>>>>>>>>> admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.
>>>>>>>>> Facebook: Melissa R. Green
>>>>>>>>> Twitter: melissa5674
>>>>>>>>> windows messenger: graduate1531 at msn.com
>>>>>>>>> skype: lisssa5674
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Lisa belville" <missktlab1217 at frontier.com>
>>>>>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>>>>>>> Users"
>>>>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:26 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork
>>>>>>>>>    Jewel, Oh, I'm sorry you're having this issue with the
>>>>>>>>> school.
>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, this is a chronic issue with the GDF.  They admit
>>>>>>>>> it's an issue and say they're taking steps to fix it, but it's
>>>>>>>>> still happening, and not just to new applicants, but to returning
>>>>> grads.
>>>>>>>>> The training is good, but you still need to go through the same
>>>>>>>>> office if you want to talk to your trainer or fax a vet form.
>>>>>>>>> I used to be one of the biggest GDF cheerleaders out there; I
>>>>>>>>> helped run their Email list and was on their alumni council for a
>>>>>>>>> year.  I had these things happen to me, and I've known people who
>>>>>>>>> have had it
>>>>>>> happen to them.
>>>>>>>>> I don't really feel comfortable referring people to the GDF
>>>>>>>>> anymore because of it.  I get it: They are responsible for a huge
>>>>>>>>> amount of papers and Emails and faxes that come through there,
>>>>>>>>> but every guide dog school has to contend with Emails and faxes
>>>>>>>>> and paper work and they don't have these issues.  If I kept
>>>>>>>>> losing paperwork at my last job
>>>>>>> I would have been fired.
>>>>>>>>> As I said before, how a school handles confidential and time
>>>>>>>>> sensitive info, and how they respond to questions from frustrated
>>>>>>>>> applicants who need to send a medical report just one more time
>>>>>>>>> is just as important as the training and how you're encouraged to
>>>>>>>>> work with
>>>>>>> your dog.
>>>>>>>>> This is really heartbreaking for me, no kidding, because I've
>>>>>>>>> been affiliated with the GDF since 1995.  I got to try a GDF demo
>>>>>>>>> dog at the 95 convention and that clenched it for me.  I've
>>>>>>>>> received two awesome dogs from the GDF, I know how good it can
>>>>>>>>> be, and I'd love to
>>>>>>> see it that good again.
>>>>>>>>> Yes, things change, but change doesn't mean it has to be done at
>>>>>>>>> the cost of time and stress on people who just want a
>>>>>>>>> well-trained dog to enrich their life and provide efficient
>>>>>>>>> mobility.
>>>>>>>>> I'd encourage other GDF grads on this list to speak out.  I know
>>>>>>>>> I'm not the only one to deal with these issues. Most people just
>>>>>>>>> put up with it or get frustrated and move on to another school.
>>>>>>>>> Addressing it with school staff really hasn't helped because they
>>>>>>>>> claim these are just isolated incidents when they are most
>>>>>>>>> certainly
>>>>> not.
>>>>>>>>> Lisa
>>>>>>>>> 1st Law of Procrastination: that which can be done will be done .
>>>>>>>>> . .
>>>>>>>>> TOMORROW!!
>>>>>>>>> Lisa Belville
>>>>>>>>> missktlab1217 at frontier.com
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Jewel" <herekittykat2 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>>>>>>> Users"
>>>>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:36 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide Dog School Losing Paperwork
>>>>>>>>>> It's funny you mention GDF, Lisa, because that's the school I am
>>>>>>>>>> applying to who lost the paperwork. I didn't want to name names,
>>>>>>>>>> but you already pointed out the problem, so I feel it's okay for
>>>>>>>>>> me to point it out, too.
>>>>>>>>>> Is the poor paperwork organization, in your opinion, something
>>>>>>>>>> that affects the school's performance when it comes to training?
>>>>>>>>>> To send vet reports, do you scan them into your computer and
>>>>>>>>>> then e-mail them, or do you send them another way? What's the
>>>>>>>>>> best way to deal with this issue?
>>>>>>>>>> I've been impressed with GDF up to this point. I am concerned
>>>>>>>>>> that this will become a problem for me in the future, so am a
>>>>>>>>>> little hesitant about going to GDF now...but I really like their
>>>>> program.
>>>>>>>>>> Should I apply to another school? Or should I just learn to work
>>>>>>>>>> around the poor organization skills of the school?
>>>>>>>>>> Lisa, I'd love to hear about how you deal with this problem, and
>>>>>>>>>> whether you feel, knowing now what you do aobut paperwork
>>>>>>>>>> problems and the like, whether you would go back to GDF.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you all for the comments so far; I remain concerned...
>>>>>>>>>> ~Jewel
>>>>>>>>>> On 4/19/12, Tracy Carcione <carcione at access.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jewel.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'd be mighty annoyed if that happened to me, especially if
>>>>>>>>>>> they lost stuff I had to pay to get, like a medical report and
>>>>>>>>>>> an O&M report.  And, considering how much I had to bug my
>>>>>>>>>>> references to get it done, that would be annoying, too.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think Cindy's suggestion is a good one.  See if there's a
>>>>>>>>>>> supervisor who can open drawers and look behind the desk, I
>>>>>>>>>>> guess.
>>>>>>>>>>> Sheesh! Pretty sloppy!
>>>>>>>>>>> Hope you can get it straightened out.
>>>>>>>>>>> Tracy
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Has anyone experienced a guide dog school losing your
>>>>>>>>>>>> paperwork?
>>>>>>>>>>>> The school I want to attend says they don't have my medical
>>>>>>>>>>>> report, my O&M report, and my references. I know for a fact
>>>>>>>>>>>> that I sent the medical report with the video that they do
>>>>>>>>>>>> have (they watched it, so they do have that), my O&M
>>>>>>>>>>>> instructor says he sent his report, and all three of my
>>>>>>>>>>>> references said they sent their reference letters. On top of
>>>>>>>>>>>> this, when I had an interview, I was told the interview was
>>>>>>>>>>>> the only thing they didn't have in my files. The interviewer
>>>>>>>>>>>> also made a second video of me walking, and they can't find
>>>>>>>>>>>> that, either. I've been offered a spot in the July class, as
>>>>>>>>>>>> long as all my paperwork goes through and I'm accepted, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>> *sent* all that stuff. Should I just go get everything all
>>>>>>>>>>>> over again, or should I hold them accountable for the
>>>>>>> lost paperwork...and do what?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Concerned about the school's organization, Jewel
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Have freedom.
>>>>>>>> and listen to your hart Smilely.
>>>>>>>> Rhonda & Mya..
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