[nagdu] howling was RE: Amazing dogs?
Tami Kinney
tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Tue Apr 24 20:00:21 UTC 2012
So with Mitzi. I think once or twice when she was being really obstinate
about small pet dogs in Home Depot, I had her up to three repetitions of
the push ups, and ended up repeating them several times. How
embarrassing to have one guide with other pet dogs around and to have
yours be the one that is acting up.
Anyway, she went into oppositional defiance mode when I sternly insisted
on the first sit up, so... There was nothing for it but to go around the
store doing push ups in sets of three, along with a bit of other things
like turning around (only do this if you are absolutely positive you
know where your feet are and what is around you!), stuff like that. I
was beginning to consider the many benefits of just hauling off and
beating the dog the old-fashioned way.. Just kidding. Besides, with her,
it would just make her more stubborn. DD was shopping for things, so we
had time to work on push ups instead of navigation around a place like
Home Depot. /lol/ With everyone watching, naturally. I would hear their
footsteps stop to watch the circus. Then, when my stubborn stubborn
beast would comply and show some submission (she was lying!), I would
say good dog and everyone would chime in, "She *is* a good dog!). Joys
of guide dog training in dog-friendly Portland, I guess. Can't go
anywhere without a Greek chorus.
These days, I almost never have to do push ups. After that one time
where it was a battle of the wills until the very end, just one push up
does the trick. Well, I can feel her considering whether to keep
pushing, silly poodle! /lol/ But ultimately, I think, the push ups bore
her. They are no fun. She has better things to do. So... Off we go.
Well, it also helps that she grew up finally and doesn't have quite the
need to be snotty just for snottiness' sake.
She was being pretty obstinate at the beginning of this visit, probably
because of all the back and forth and the fact that she is living with a
puppy and a couple of really uptight, harried humans. /lol/ She isn't
getting her share of attention, so why should she pay attention to us or
be good? Well, that seemed to be the message. Now that we've been here
awhile, and I am taking her out on solo walks in harness at least every
other day, she is mollifed. Mostly. /smile/
So, that is two votes for push ups for poodles! /grin/
On 04/23/2012 02:43 PM, GARY STEEVES wrote:
> Hana:
> This is true. When Bogart gets particularly distracted (like those pigeons again) I get him to sit and then lie down. People on the list have mentioned doing several of these. I find one is enough to get the point across to Bogart and we are off again. It can be awckward since once it was a person who he went to, veerring left from the sidewalk into a sort of courtyard/fountain area in front of a big building. He went right to this woman. I corrected him and while I was making Bogart do the sit and down thing I explained to her why I was doing it and she seemed to get it. People think you are really harsh on your dog to make him do this on the sidewalk. :) I only use it when I feel things are out of control and I need bogart to re-engage. In the two years we've been together probably have done this action five or six times.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: d m gina<dmgina at samobile.net>
> Date: Monday, April 23, 2012 2:37 pm
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] howling was RE: Amazing dogs?
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>> I am wondering except for crossing a street, if you can do
>> obedience rite on the spot.
>> As I call them push upps.
>> they don't like to do this in public.
>> I couldn't say how many times you will have to do this, but I
>> would give it a try.
>> Just some thoughts.
>> Original message:
>>> Hannah,
>>> I think I read your below message right. Your saying that when
>> your pup sees
>>> a squirrel, she howls? Have you tried to say "quiet". Not sure
>> if that is a
>>> command they teach at Pilot. I haven't had a pup that howls.
>> But I am sure
>>> there is someone on here that could help you resolve that issue.
>>> What do you guys think?
>>> Marsha
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-
>> bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
>>> Of Hannah Chadwick
>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 11:54 AM
>>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Amazing dogs?
>>> Tracy,
>>> I just feel like I come up with one thing or another every
>> week. It
>>> horrible! Lol.
>>> I'm sure I can compromise, and live with a lot of things, but
>> there are
>>> things I just can't stand like howling and not responding
>> because of a
>>> squirrel.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-
>> bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
>>> Of Tracy Carcione
>>> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 8:48 AM
>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>> Subject: [nagdu] Amazing dogs?
>>> So Hannah, you think the rest of us all have amazing
>> dogs? That's nice!
>>> It seems to me I'm always poor-mouthing my Benny boy. He
>> has some amazing
>>> qualities, but he has his faults, too. And some of them
>> are 2 sides of the
>>> same coin. For example, I love his cocky self-
>> confidence. I'm sure it
>>> helps him cope with the big bad city. But it also makes
>> him hard to
>>> correct, since he's so sure he's right in whatever he wants to do.
>>> Every dog has faults, to some degree or other. And every
>> person has to
>>> decide, with every dog, these things:
>>> Is this fault so serious that I'm unsafe? Can this fault
>> be fixed, and, if
>>> so, how? If it can't be fixed, can I live with it?
>>> And the ones I can live with, if I must, may not be the same
>> ones you can
>>> live with, and vice versa.
>>> Tracy
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>> --Dar
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>> every saint has a past
>> every sinner has a future
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