[nagdu] Black beauty
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Sat Aug 4 19:36:44 UTC 2012
I tell you, I am sure you are glad when fall comes.
Jim says they are in the seventies.
Wow I would love that one.
I will be home before I know it.
Original message:
> Congratulations, Dar. I hope the two of you work well together. Try not
> to roast. I'm in New York, and it's very, very hot here.
> Shannon
> Shannon Dyer
> Alumni Council Member,
> Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc
> ® and
> America's VetDogs®, The Veteran's K-9 Corps Inc ®
> Providing "Second Sight" ® since 1946
> 371 E. Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787
> Office: 631-930-9000, Toll-free: 866-282-8047
> solsticesinger at gmail.com
> To make a donation that can change a life...contact the Guide Dog Foundation at
> www.guidedog.org
> or America's VetDogs the Veterans K-9 Corps at
> www.vetdogs.org
> Visit us on facebook at:
> www.facebook.com/GuideDogFoundation or www.facebook.com/AmericasVetDogs
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:47 PM, Cindy Ray wrote:
>> I'm glad I'm not enjoying the August class. I left June 15 next to last
>> time I was there, and that was plenty hot enough. <Giggle>
>> CL
>> On Aug 3, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Vanessa Lowery wrote:
>>> Cool. I think you are TSE, correct? Who are the instructors?
>>> Everytime I ahve gone there except one class, it has been hot as blue
>>> blazes, though I msut say that my first time around in 1982, the temps
>>> were more tollerable, considering the fact that the class started in
>>> August and ended in September.
>>> Glad you are enjoying the class.
>>> Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
>>> Adult and Community Services Division
>>> Adult Services Screening Unit
>>> 410-853-3550
>>> VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
>>>>>> d m gina <dmgina at samobile.net> 8/3/2012 2:35 PM >>>
>>> My boy is a jet black beauty by the name of Jaron.
>>> he is little and I love to hug him.
>>> A swell thinker, and wants to work well.
>>> He will travel quite well in a buss easy to place to be sure.
>>> What a thrill.
>>> Sunday is our first solo.
>>> I am looking forward to it.
>>> We just did clicker training, and they will get the boots this afternoon.
>>> It is over one hundred here and the humidity is unreal.
>>> My goodness.
>>> So before I know it I will have been here a week.
>>> This pleases me very much.
>>> He got a shot today and I asked him if he got it in his but, and he
>>> snorted wagging his tail all the way.
>>> It is a thick tail and it pounds everything.
>>> Cracks me up.
>>> Now I know there4 is a brush out there you can get that has a vacuum on it.
>>> Where can I get this, what is the name?
>>> Might be able to find it over amazon but thought that I would ask for
>>> the name first.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> --Dar
>>> skype: dmgina23
>>> FB: dmgina
>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>> every saint has a past
>>> every sinner has a future
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skype: dmgina23
FB: dmgina
every saint has a past
every sinner has a future
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