[nagdu] Michigan Association of Guide Dog Users
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Mon Aug 27 15:05:12 UTC 2012
Hello all: I am writing to call your attention to the formation of a new and great divission within the Michigan Affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind! This is the Michigan Association of Guide Dog Users, magdu. Anyone who is interested in guide dogs, laws concerning them, use of them, improving public awarness of issues concerning the use of guide dogs and other issues concerning these furry and well trained companions can attend our meeting on October 19, at our state convention. Also, we plan to have a conference call on September 16, at 8 P.M. I would like a full list of those interested so that we can contact them about meetings and other issues pertaining to starting up the devission! b I already have a few of you but the more folks we have, the more ideas we can generate and the stronger our group will be! Please contact me at, lkeeler at comcast.net or on my cell thone at 734-665-5585 Thanks, Larry D Keeler Secretary on the Ann Arbor Chapter National Federation of the Blind.
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