[nagdu] progress update on Sugar Ray's cancer diagnosis/treatment

Bunny Davidson bunnydavidson at live.com
Sat Dec 1 00:57:43 UTC 2012

figured i'd post a little update on Sugar-Ray's Cancer- 
The biopsy showed the lymphoma is 2ndary 
to some other kind of cancer-
last week i had him on prednasone to shrink tumors 
(and hopefully prolong his life)But i soon realized that was a major mistake,
because it made him vomit big amounts of 
blood non stop for over 24 hours (after just 3 pills)...
I took him to church Sunday morning with me (as he usually goes) and a couple of my friends came over to him
and laid hands on him and the minister and others prayed for him....after I got him home he started vomiting blood even 
more frequent then before....

I was so 
depressed and thought he would die immediately from hemorrhaging....
I kept praying and thanking God for bringing Sugar into my life and for all he has enabled me to do because of him.

googled about steroid use w/canine cancer and it's pros and cons, also 
looked up in my Merk Vet manual @ it all....
I prayed about it some more and after what i read I 
decided no more steroids.
Prior to the biopsy and all the bloodwork Sugar didn't even 'know' he was sick, but
once i felt the lumps and the vet started removing cysts and biopsy of this and that...and 
giving him meds He started ACTING VERY SICK...and that was NOT why i took him to vet.
I wanted him to get help and be cured...
I decided that I would rather have sugar a short time where 
he is able to enjoy each moment then have him a longer time where he is sick from 
medication ...

So within 24 hours of 
stopping steroids he stopped all vomiting of blood- I began giving him 2 pepcid ac an hour before each meal
and  i have him on bland pureed baby 
food (high protein low carb)
 from the blender and his pain medicine; he is so much more himself 
Wednsday afternoon he went in the car with me for fist time since church, and when we got to my doctors 
office he almost flew up the driveway and up to the doors...his tail wagged when he saw her and it was like
"hey mom, i'm back now...all's ok!"  I have slept on a cot mattress on the floor with him for a couple weeks cause
i didn't want to leave him alone for a second...well, last night he climbed the stairs and jumped up on my very high antique 
bed and we had our first nights sleep up there in some time and it was the best!  I am so happy he is acting like himself again,
Yea he naps more, but it's way better then the 'medication' route....

I found roundworms in his stool yesterday and got him some wormer 
will also worm the pet dog and the 5 foster cats who are 
currently being rehabilitated and awaiting spay/nueter and forever 
(i volunteer as a foster mom to death row dogs, cats and 
feral cats)...)

So i want you all to know how very much we appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we go through this adventure.
Bunny & Sugar Ray in Vermont USA
photos attached of sugar and me on thanksgiving...
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