[nagdu] fake service dogs provoke resentment, possible rule changes
Mardi Hadfield
wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 07:59:59 UTC 2012
Hi Lyn, I get the faking blindness often as I am also a partial. I also get
the faking needing a wheelchair,especially now that I am trying to walk as
much as possible to avoid Pulmonary embolism.If I want to stay alive, I
force my self to get up and walk. It is not easy as my spinal stenosis is
very painful.I am currently training Neechee to be my guide when I am,
walking so I don't ruin Shaman for Wheelchair guiding.Her training is
coming along quite well and I am very pleased with her.I am at the point if
some one asks me why I use a wheelchair one day and I am walking with a
crutch the next,I tell them that I am having a better day today than
yesterday. If that doesn't work,I just ignore them.I just don't care what
they think any more. It used to bother me but I am not going to waste my
time on some one, who doesn't want to be educated on different disabilities
any way.I am 66 years old and life is too short to quibble over such
idiocies.I pick my battles now as there are far more pressing issues that I
can possibly change, or at least try to.It has taken me time to realize
this but this list has been a lot of help to me in many issues. Have a
great day, Mardi and Shaman and Neechee,GDIT.
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