[nagdu] blueberries and milk bones
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Wed Feb 15 14:44:11 UTC 2012
Hi Hannah.
I give my dogs a blueberry or two when they're in season, with no bad
effects. I'd suspect the milkbones of causing problems, because I've had
similar experiences with milkbones.
If your family dog leaves milkbones lying around, that could be an ongoing
> Yes, it should. Also, it sounds like you need to do some food refusal
> exercises with her. I need to do some with Lexia, but I need to find
> someone
> that I don't see all of the time, because she sees everyone that I see,
> and
> I would feel kind of bad correcting her for taking food from someone she
> thought that she could trust.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hannah Chadwick" <sparklylicious at gmail.com>
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 9:59 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] blueberries and milk bones
>> Hi all,
>> So I took Princess to see my grandma this morning. As we walked in,
>> Princess
>> picked something up and was already swallowing it before I could tell
>> her
>> to
>> "drop it". Then grandma tells me she had blueberries for breakfast and
>> that
>> she spilled some on accident but that she thought she picked all of them
>> up.
>> I'm sure this happens with other dogs and people, but what I don't know
>> is
>> how blueberries effect dog's stomaches because Princess is now having
>> softer
>> stools than this morning and has to go more frequently.
>> Oh yes, on top of all that, I think she might have picked up a bit of
>> leftover milk bones from our family dog. I think that might have also
>> caused
>> her stool to be softer. Gosh, I'm definitely at a loss as to what I
>> should
>> do...
>> She is still on her recommended diet of rice with boiled chicken and
>> mixed
>> with cottage cheese; I started mixing her solid science diet with the
>> mixture a couple of days ago as well.
>> Will the milk bone and blueberry come out of her system if I just keep
>> her
>> on the half and half (rice/chicken/cottage cheese and solid food) diet?
>> Thanks all in advance!
>> Best, Hannah
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