Tami Kinney tamara.8024 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 18 22:04:55 UTC 2012

Gary and Hannah,

That's what I use, too. The slicker brush and a comb. I do also use a 
bristle brush at times, too, or a regular style dog brush... Just 
depends. If it seems Mitzi's coat is dry, I will put some olive oil on 
it and brush it through. /smile/ Sometimes I use Aloe Vera gel to clean 
the curls between groomings, depending on if they seem to be feeling 
dirty or dusty... Mostly, though, brushing with the bristle brush will 
keep the dirt off, and the olive oil keeps things soft as her curls grow 
out. /smile/

Her coat has been a bit neglected because of the puppy. I bring out the 
brushes to brush the poodle, and the puppy steals them and hides them. 
So I grab another brush, and the puppy steals that and puts it with the 
other brush, then steals another brush... Don't ask. /smile/ So for a 
while there, I would just grab the puppy and brush her, so now she loves 
to be brushed. So when I would try to brush Mitzi, the puppy would bark 
and... It's a good thing she's cute, that's all I can say. /grin/

The puppy has finally grown up enough that she can survive Mitzi's 
having enough undivided attention for a nice brushing, so Mitzi and I 
are both enjoying that. Sometimes, especially if I use a little bit of 
olive oil to conditionn her hair, I can just brush her forever and run 
my fingers through her luxuriant curls...  Every now and then, I get 
busy while her curls are short, then suddenly realize that I'd better 
start brushing her again, so I get on it... And I suddenly have this 
huge dog again. Teehee.

The rain on her coat will tighten up the curls, and often make them seem 
softer. Depending. I think if there's a lot of gunk in the air, the 
curls start feeling gunky. But then once it has been raining enough to 
clean the air, her coat gets springy and soft. /grin/

On 01/18/2012 01:29 PM, GARY STEEVES wrote:
> Hello Hana:
> As I mentioned, Bogart gets bathed or groomed regularly. The only other thing I do to keep him all soft is brush him as much as possible. The best is every day but usually I brush him every second day depending on life schedules. I use a slicker brush and a metal comb. The comb is for getting tangles out and the slicker works to puff up his hair and make him look stunning.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hannah Chadwick<sparklylicious at suddenlink.net>
> Date: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:52 am
> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Hey all,
>> I was wondering if there are oils or specific hair conditioner
>> that would
>> keep the hair soft and curly, especially for poodles?
>> Any advice, tips, suggestions, etc would be greatly appreciated.
>> Hannah, and Princess
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