[nagdu] Scary guide dogs
Ava Foster
avapup.7 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 01:38:07 UTC 2012
Tami how funny! Your description of an Irish Wolfhound with an
underside harness had me laughing and then when you mentioned someone
hitting on your Poodle well I was lucky the Pepsi I was drinking didnt
fly out of my mouth all over the computer as I laughed more /lol/
Thanks for sharing and for the laughs! Ava
On 1/21/12, Tami Kinney <tamara.8024 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Ah... Come to Portland any time. We'll do downtown! /lol/
> A friend and I once entertained ourselves by conjecturing on the best
> breed of guide dog based on the criteria of how much it would inhibit
> drunks at bus stops. She is a young, petite and very pretty woman, so
> the being hit upon by such folks at bus stops is an ongoing thing for
> her, too. Or on the bus. Or the train...
> So, we decided that the best guide dog for a petite woman who is
> chronically hit upon by drunks at bus stops is... The Irish Wolfhound!
> /lol/ If it doesn't have to stand on its hind legs to literally look
> them in the eye, and if it's head is a big as their torso, then there is
> some chance they will just go off an leave a girl alone! /lol/
> It was especially funny because we then had to design a special harness,
> especially for her because she is *very* petite, so that the handle
> could be used from underneath the dog. /lol/
> I've had drunks hit on my poodle, BTW... I am *not* making that up. You
> know you're getting old when... /lol/
> Tami
> On 01/21/2012 12:43 PM, Mark J. Cadigan wrote:
>> Tami,
>> As I said, a lot less intimidating.
>> I have only seen my dog's "back off" look once. He gave that treatment
>> to a drunken homeless man who was hassling me for money that I was not
>> going to give him
>> Watch the drunk run. Haha.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tami Kinney" <tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 3:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Mark's dogs
>>> Mark,
>>> OMG! I'm scared now! /lol/
>>> Let's see, I'm 5 ft. 5, slender and a total Shirley Temple clone... My
>>> poodle is 54 lbs. of leg and big dark eyes in her black, black curls...
>>> Nope! Not scary!
>>> So you see why I cannot take people seriously when they get all
>>> screamy and squally with fear of us! /lol/
>>> Then there was the time we were in the midst of a public poodle
>>> mugging... And finally, a nervous voice from well back in the crowd of
>>> admirers I was trying to fend off asked breathily, "Is it a *pit bull*?"
>>> It's probably a good thing I busted up laughing too hard to talk
>>> because all I could think of to say was, "Yes! The long-nosed, curly
>>> coated kind! They're the ones that are *really* dangerous!" Probably
>>> this would not be the best thing to say in front of a crowd because it
>>> would give the wrong impression of guide dogs or something.
>>> Fortunately, the rest of the admiring fans had picked up quite a bit
>>> of information and explained it all to the fearful one. Whew! I don't
>>> think anyone was noticing me and my struggles to get my mirth under
>>> some sort of control. /lol/ Is it a pit bull? Honestly!
>>> Poodles also stare at people, but because they do not have the
>>> fearsome rep and because their eyes protrude a bit and are more almond
>>> shaped and tilted, it just makes people coo more. Only people who know
>>> poodles recognize Mitzi's "back off" look for what it is and back off.
>>> She has somehow learned to work the cute and the eye contact to keep
>>> people from being so intrusive. I'm not sure how, but we seem to be
>>> pretty slick at crowd management these days. Whew! People still stand
>>> around and ask questions ad infinitum and all, but they at least are
>>> not standing on top of us with their hands in the curls! Sheesh!
>>> There are days when I would much prefer to look dangerous.
>>> Funny that your dog's obedience would scare people.. But I guess
>>> you're right. It's the police dog reputation, along with the tall guy
>>> with a buzz cut... So I wonder what their guilty consciences are
>>> telling them to worry about. /lol/
>>> Tami
>>> On 01/21/2012 11:14 AM, Mark J. Cadigan wrote:
>>>> Tami,
>>>> A cute curly poodle is far less intimidating than an 80lb male shepherd.
>>>> My dog also stares at people witch people find unnerving.
>>>> Another thing, you are far less intimidating looking than me. Picture
>>>> me, I am about 6ft tall, clean shaven with a buzzed short haircut, and
>>>> don't often smile. Then add a dog that looks like a police dog. Several
>>>> people have asked me if my dog was a drug dog.
>>>> People also find it scary how obedient my dog is. Even when not on
>>>> harness he walks on heal. Sometimes he will even walk at heal off leash;
>>>> however, I don't do this often, except when visiting people in my dorm.
>>>> People associate obedient dogs with law enforcement.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tami Kinney"
>>>> <tamara.8024 at comcast.net>
>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 1:51 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Mark's dogs
>>>>> Mark,
>>>>> I always grin maniacally at them and then ignore them. /lol/ Okay, not
>>>>> as many people are terrified of a cute, curly poodle as they are of
>>>>> GSDs. Mostly my problem is that they are too unafraid and I have to
>>>>> protect my dog from them. Sheesh! Wanna trade? NOT! /lol/
>>>>> When other people insist on trying to make me responsible somehow for
>>>>> their irrational fears, I find myself wondering if I should let them
>>>>> in on the news: There's this new kinda doctor and all, based on some
>>>>> things that were discovered just yesterday by some German guy or
>>>>> something... Ford? Fraud? Um.. Oh! Froyd! /lol/
>>>>> Take a pill!
>>>>> This helps me with the maniacal grin, you see, and keeps me
>>>>> entertained while I'm grinning.
>>>>> Hard to have an intelligent dialog or even light elevator chat with
>>>>> someone when they're screaming about your dog's attacking them while
>>>>> failing to notice a very important detail about that... The dog, I
>>>>> assume, was not attacking them?
>>>>> Good grief! What kind of kids do they send to that school of yours
>>>>> anyway? Don't they have some requirement that an accepted applicant
>>>>> for schooling have, say, a brain?
>>>>> Well, you're getting your feet wet in all the extra fun parts of being
>>>>> a guide dog user, aren't you. People need to get over themselves, they
>>>>> really do.
>>>>> Tami
>>>>> On 01/21/2012 09:32 AM, Mark J. Cadigan wrote:
>>>>>> Dan,
>>>>>> Sometimes, when people get too interested in my business or
>>>>>> watching me,
>>>>>> I give them the one fingered salute.
>>>>>> Everyone loves my dog; however, someone is apparently making noise. My
>>>>>> response to them is likewise the one fingered salute.
>>>>>> I challenge anyone with a problem with me to grow a pair of balls and
>>>>>> tell it to my face. However, this won't happen, instead, people will
>>>>>> continue to go behind my back, and cause administrative problems
>>>>>> for me.
>>>>>> Some people are so terrified of my dog; they refuse to be near me.
>>>>>> I was
>>>>>> asking directions from the security guard, and this girl refused to
>>>>>> come
>>>>>> in, just standing outside in the snow. She did not come in to I left.
>>>>>> Lol.
>>>>>> A girl was in the elevator with me, and shrieked the entire way down.
>>>>>> Because she was afraid that the dog would attack her.
>>>>>> People are so stupid.
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Weiner"
>>>>>> <dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net>
>>>>>> To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 12:13 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Mark's dogs
>>>>>>> Honestly, the way these guys seem to be carrying on it's as if no
>>>>>>> one had
>>>>>>> ever had a pet dog or a guide dog before...dogs going to the
>>>>>>> bathroom on
>>>>>>> sidewalk, imagine that..and oh my god, a little discoloration, my God
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>> is the world coming to.
>>>>>>> You are just so inconvenient to the college population I'm so sorry
>>>>>>> for your
>>>>>>> college that they have to undergo the inconvenience of having you
>>>>>>> there with
>>>>>>> your guide dog.
>>>>>>> That, of course, was sarcasm for those who don't know wit.--smile
>>>>>>> Plus the fact that you must be feeling like you're being stared at
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> time, it doesn't help your stress level.
>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>>>>> Behalf
>>>>>>> Of marilyn
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 11:57 AM
>>>>>>> To: nagdu
>>>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] Mark's dogs
>>>>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>>>>> Since you are still in training with your dog what does the trainer
>>>>>>> recommend you do since he is aware of the situation?
>>>>>>> Since you are picking up after your dog I would carry a bottle of
>>>>>>> water and
>>>>>>> after the dog goes spill the water on the spot where the dog went.
>>>>>>> Or you
>>>>>>> can carry a baggy of baking soda and just put some down after the dog
>>>>>>> goes.
>>>>>>> it not only absorbs order for number one but will absorb the urine
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> help with the marks left after you pick up the number 2. I use that
>>>>>>> a lot
>>>>>>> in the summer when I am out with Anna where she goes to busy.
>>>>>>> Marilyn and Anna
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