[nagdu] Introduction
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Thu Jul 5 19:09:28 UTC 2012
I have some philosophical quibbles with GDB, but I've been very satisfied
with the dogs I got from them, and would go back, if I have problems with
TSE. Mainly, I decided it made sense to go to the school that's close by
and train in my actual area, instead of hunting around San Francisco and
San Rafael for places that are like New Jersey and New York. And I really
like owning my dog from the get-go.
I can't say Benny is the best dog I've had, but he's good enough. Like
all of us, he has his star qualities and his problem spots. But he's my
> Thanks for the welcome. How did you like TSE as compared to other
> schools? I know some teams from GDB, and most have been satisfied with
> the school. Of course, any person can unfortunately have a bad experience
> that turns them off from a given school, or it makes them even stronger
> and even more determined to stick with that school. I had a rough patch
> with TSE, but I decided that I would stick it out, and all has been well.
> My first dog from TSE, a female black lab named Billie, retired at 12 1/2,
> and lived to be almost 17. That dog would have just kept on ticking.
> When she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, I made the decision
> that enough was enough, and three days after the diagnosis (giving us all
> time to say our good-byes), we let her mozie across the Rainbow Bridge.
> Believe it or not, I'm play9ing Christmas music to help me think cool
> thoughts, and Griffin is sleeping wiht his nose pressed against his water
> bowl (cute).
> Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
> Adult and Community Services Division
> Adult Services Screening Unit
> 410-853-3550
> VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
>>>> "Tracy Carcione" <carcione at access.net> 7/5/2012 2:21 PM >>>
> Hi Vanessa.
> Welcome to the list!
> I'm Tracy; I live in steamy north Jersey. I'm a programmer for New York
> Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. I've been there for nearly 25
> years, too.
> I'm working Ben, a black lab. He's my 6th guide dog, and my first Seeing
> Eye dog. He'll be 8 this October, much to my surprise.
> When I went to get Ben, I retired my previous GDB dog Echo. She was 11 at
> the time. I thought she'd have a couple years of happy retirement, if we
> were lucky. The old gal lived to be 17, and was healthy until the last
> year. May your Griffin have a long and happy retirement, too. If you
> need any ideas about dealing with senior dog problems, I've had a bit of
> experience, as have some others.
> Anyway, welcome!
> Tracy
>> Trying this for a secomd time. Since the massive storm that hit
>> Maryland
>> and a couple of other states, my computer has not been all that happy
>> here
>> at work.
>> A few of you who are on the seeingeye-l list as well will probably
>> recognize me. For the rest of you...
>> My name is Vanessa and I live in Baltimore County, Maryland (very hot
>> and
>> humid Maryland right now). I am working with my fifth dog from The
>> Seeing
>> Eye, a male lab named Griffin. he is almost ten, and because of some
>> health issues, I will be retiring him as soon as a class date is
>> available. I will be keeping him, so I will have a household of two
>> dogs
>> and two cats. I received him in the August/September, 2004 class, and
>> my
>> instructor was Joan Markey (one of the best).
>> Professionally, I am a social worker for the State of Maryland. I work
>> for the Baltimore County Department of Social Services (it employs both
>> state and county staff). I am in the Adult Services Division, and I and
>> my other three co-workers take calls from the public and other
>> professionals (police, fire, medical staff, home care agencies, nursing
>> homes, etc). Our primary focus is on Adult Protective Services, and if
>> warranted, I woudl prepare an referral in order to start an
>> investigation
>> on a vulnerable adult between the ages of 18 and ancient. WE also keep
>> track of the availability of shelter space for homeless individuals and
>> families. Some of the staff from our HOmeless Unit reach out to those
>> clients once they are sheltered. I have been with the agency for almost
>> 25 years (dnag, where did the time go).
>> Now, to be as open and honest as is possible, let me tell you about
>> another aspect of two of me that you should know. I am a long-time
>> member
>> of the ACB. In fact, I am the President of a local chapter. I am also
>> a
>> long-time member of GDUI, and at least for now, I am the chairperson of
>> GDUI's Advocacy Committee. I may let that role go while possibly
>> remaining
>> on the committee (still pondering my decision) mainly because I have
>> been
>> a part of that committee for a number of years. A break from it might
>> be
>> in order so I don't burn out. My goal is not to compare the differences
>> between NAGDU and GDUI. Nor is it my goal to comare the differences
>> between the NFB and the ACB. I am comfortable where I am, and that
>> floats
>> my boat just fine.
>> I have joined to share, hopefully, like everyone else on this list, my
>> thoughts, ideas, and anything else related to guide dogs. No matter
>> what
>> our affiliations are with various groups, I hope that we share in a
>> common
>> goal of furthering the cause for guide dog users.
>> That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. I suspect that many members
>> are
>> currently at the national convention, so I expect that for now, the list
>> traffic will be light.
>> Everyone stay safe, keep you puppy paws cool if you are in a hot part of
>> the country (who isn't these days), and have a good weekend. And have
>> fun
>> plowing through my typingn booboos.
>> Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
>> Adult and Community Services Division
>> Adult Services Screening Unit
>> 410-853-3550
>> VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
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