July 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 19:27:08 UTC 2012
Ending: Tue Jul 31 23:47:37 UTC 2012
Messages: 1174
- [nagdu] 12 years...
Jen and Aiken
- [nagdu] just for fun
David Andrews
- [nagdu] Introduction
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Introduction
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] re understanding vs. respect
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Shannon and Natasha
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] new member
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Boxer guides from Pilot
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access at goodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwillindustries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwillindustries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] margo was RE: new TSE ID
Margo and Arrow
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
Natasha Baebler
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Natasha Baebler
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Natasha Baebler
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Portable collapsible water bowls
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access at goodwill industries
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwill industries
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] re understanding vs. respect
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
- [nagdu] Success in Posting to the List
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Mark J. Cadigan
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Elizabeth Campbell
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Elizabeth Campbell
- [nagdu] Story on potbellied pigs
Elizabeth Campbell
- [nagdu] I Need A Good Leash Correction *Wow*
Elizabeth Campbell
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Elizabeth Campbell
- [nagdu] Introduction
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Introduction
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Appreciating my dog
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] AS promised, info about chronic hepatitis in dogs
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Mounting
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Pinch collar
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Mounting
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Hot off the press!!! Griffin update!!
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly InnovationHolds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Kelby Carlson
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Introduction
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] I Need A Good Leash Correction *Wow*
Karen Clark
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] 4th of July
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] application update
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Class date
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] introduction
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being deniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] tie downs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] just for fun
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] FW: prayers for Odie, please
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] ot: testing
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Debbie Cole
- [nagdu] application update
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] introduction
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] 12 years...
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] home and more
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] twelve years as of June 1, 2000
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] three weeks
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] Seeing-eye dog alerts owner of gas leak
Rhonda Cruz
- [nagdu] Class date
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] five months ago
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] five months ago
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] five months ago
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] I Need A Good Leash Correction *Wow*
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Hi, could someone that has the link to the pilot dog users list repost it for me thanks in advance.
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] question for Pilot alumni
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Seeing-eye dog alerts owner of gas leak
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] good follow-up for zeb and I
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Jessica Diaz
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Jessica Diaz
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Jessica Diaz
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Jessica Diaz
- [nagdu] application update
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
- [nagdu] TSE email list
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
- [nagdu] Introduction
- [nagdu] Introduction
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] My Birthday Dinner out
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] introduction
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Introduction
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] home and more
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Shannon and Natasha
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] considering joining nagdu
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Jessica Re: introducing myself
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] new member
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] nagdu website
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] nagdu website
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] I did it!
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] nagdu website Is Back Up!
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Reminder of list rules
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] I Need A Good Leash Correction *Wow*
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Introduction
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwill industries
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwillindustries
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being deniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] William RE: [Jobs] Joining my sales team and beingyourveryown business owner
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] FW: prayers for Odie, please
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Hot off the press!!! Griffin update!!
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] TSE dorms was RE: seeing eye and more
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] update from may and i.
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] margo was RE: new TSE ID
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] margo was RE: new TSE ID
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Introduction
matthew Dyer
- [nagdu] new member
Matthew Dyer
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Matthew Dyer
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Shannon Dyer
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Andrew Edgcumbe
- [nagdu] Second Try, First One Bounced; Re: Julie J's Message About Surveymonkey
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Harness Color Preference Survey
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Family and Friends Accepting Person with Guide Dog; was: ...Civility
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Success in Posting to the List
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
Debbie Eifler
- [nagdu] Happy Birthday
Debbie Eifler
- [nagdu] To use or not to use the dog in certain situations
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Bertha Avila Guerrero
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Bertha Avila Guerrero
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Bertha Avila Guerrero
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Bertha Avila Guerrero
- [nagdu] thinking of leaving
Bertha Avila Guerrero
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] working teams/respect
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Class date
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] A Voice of New York's Streets, Saying That It's Safe to Wawk
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion - raising hand
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] mounting
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] canes/was soul searching - Question
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Introduction
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being deniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwillindustries
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] PSA Campaign in the SF Bay Area - please contact me offlist
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] PSA Campaign in the SF Bay Area - please contact meofflist
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Lyn Gwizdak
- [nagdu] Introduction
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] nagdu website Is Back Up!
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Sheila: Please Share Your Information!
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Sheila: Please Share Your Information!
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Homeless Dog
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Guide Dog Users Convention Debriefing
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] William RE: [Jobs] Joining my sales team and beingyourveryownbusiness owner
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] My Birthday Dinner out
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] Introduction
Martha Harris
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Martha Harris
- [nagdu] Leather Harnesses
Martha Harris
- [nagdu] "Pets, Wills and Animal Trusts"
J. Hartwell
- [nagdu] Re "Pets, Wills and Animal Trusts"
J. Hartwell
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Passle Helminski
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
Passle Helminski
- [nagdu] question for Pilot alumni
Passle Helminski
- [nagdu] Introduction
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] considering joining nagdu
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] new member
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] twelve years as of June 1, 2000
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] twelve years as of June 1, 2000
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] I did it!
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] I did it!
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Introduction
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Introduction
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Introduction
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Introduction
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] good follow-up for zeb and I
Juanita Herrera
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Bob Hicks
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Bob Hicks
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] To use or not to use the dog in certain situations
Robert Hooper
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Robert Hooper
- [nagdu] 4th of July
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Introduction
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] application update
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Introduction
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] My Birthday Dinner out
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Class date
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] introduction
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] considering joining nagdu
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] five months ago
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] I did it!
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Visit with TSE
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] three weeks
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] pinch collar
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Introduction
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] good follow-up for zeb and I
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] dog products online
Rebecca Ilniski
- [nagdu] welcome!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] To use or not to use the dog in certain situations
Julie J.
- [nagdu] introduction
Julie J.
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Julie J.
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Julie J.
- [nagdu] introduction
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Now available: Service and Support Pet ID "Kits" from Skymall
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Julie J.
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Julie J.
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Julie J.
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Introduction
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Introduction
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Introduction
Julie J.
- [nagdu] snow was Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Leather Harnesses
Julie J.
- [nagdu] just for fun
Julie J.
- [nagdu] just for fun
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Second Try, First One Bounced; Re: Julie J's Message About Surveymonkey
Julie J.
- [nagdu] dog products online
Julie J.
- [nagdu] just for fun
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Harness Color Preference Survey
Julie J.
- [nagdu] my final choice
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Chasity Jackson
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
- [nagdu] I did it!
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] application update
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Introduction
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] introduction
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] nagdu website
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] To Steve about your guide Bennett
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] To Steve about your guide Bennett
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Introduction
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Introduction
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Introduction
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Appreciating my dog
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] To use or not to use the dog in certain situations
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Bad Dog/?
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] re understanding vs. respect
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Head Hanging
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] mounting
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] mounting
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] Mounting
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] question for Pilot alumni
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] anybody read this book yet
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Larry D. Keeler
- [nagdu] application update
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] application update
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being deniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being deniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Update on Griffin and a few other things
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwillindustries
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Jenny Keller
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
- [nagdu] A Voice of New York's Streets, Saying That It's Safe to Wawk
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Airlines Must Let Passengers Fly With Pigs for 'Emotional Support'
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Fake Service Dogs Raise Concerns
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] East Naples couple claim Hawaii hassle over their service dog
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] First guide dog in years hits streets with master
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Seeing-eye dog alerts owner of gas leak
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Malaysia : Pushing for use of seeing-eye dogs
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Ginger Kutsch
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Danielle Nicole Larsen
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
Danielle Nicole Larsen
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
- [nagdu] new member
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] application update
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Class date
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] new member
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] canes/was soul searching - Question
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Hi, could someone that has the link to the pilot dog users list repost it for me thanks in advance.
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwillindustries
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwillindustries
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Sheila: Please Share Your Information!
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Sheila: Please Share Your Information!
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] thinking of leaving
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being deniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
Sheila Leigland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Some more history about Griffin
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Class date
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] TSE email list
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] AS promised, info about chronic hepatitis in dogs
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] A Voice of New York's Streets, Saying That It's Safe to Wawk
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] five months ago
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] I did it!
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] nagdu website
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] I did it!
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] mounting
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Mounting
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Pinch collars
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] mounting
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] For New Jersey residents
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] DOJ info about service dogs
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Dusty's Law
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Introduction
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Update on Griffin and a few other things
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Hot off the press!!! Griffin update!!
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Hot off the press!!! Griffin update!!
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] dog products online
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] seeing eye and more
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] seeing eye and more
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] margo was RE: new TSE ID
Vanessa Lowery
- [nagdu] day of rest
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] access challenge story and heat wave continues
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Introduction
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] re understanding vs. respect
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] TSE email list
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] working teams/respect
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] we got soaked
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] home and more
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] cane techniques
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] twelve years as of June 1, 2000
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Boxer guides from Pilot
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] I did it!
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] twelve years as of June 1, 2000
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs revisited
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Visit with TSE
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] canes/was soul searching - Question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] motorized wheelchairs was re soul searching - question
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] mounting
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] mounting
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Belle
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] senior moment symdrome
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Pinch collars
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] I Need A Good Leash Correction *Wow*
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] family annoyances
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] I Need A Good Leash Correction *Wow*
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Free oral exams for service dogs
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] For New Jersey residents
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Sheila: Please Share Your Information!
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Homeless Dog
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] still around, not feeling great: and more
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] to Greg: dog food samples
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] Homeless Dog
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] thinking of leaving
Criminal Justice Major
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] Fw: A Searing Narrative of Rabies, and the Desperation to Forget It.
Ed Meskys
- [nagdu] Leather Harnesses
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] application update
- [nagdu] introduction
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] I did it!
- [nagdu] I did it!
- [nagdu] I did it!
- [nagdu] I did it!
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
- [nagdu] Homeless Dog
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Melissa Padron
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Jolynn Page
- [nagdu] Now available: Service and Support Pet ID "Kits" from Skymall
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion - raising hand
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] SkyMall continued...even BETTER people to complain to
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] PSA Campaign in the SF Bay Area - please contact me offlist
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] PSA Campaign in the SF Bay Area - please contact me offlist
Dailyah Patt
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] introduction
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] five months ago
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] I did it!
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Fake Service Dogs Raise Concerns
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwillindustries
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Introduction
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] First guide dog in years hits streets with master
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs being denied access atgoodwillindustries
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwill industries
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] PSA Campaign in the SF Bay Area - please contact me offlist
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Pickrell, Rebecca M (TASC)
- [nagdu] dog school questions
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] dog products online
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] seeing eye and more
Jessica Pitzer
- [nagdu] Class date
Marty Rahn
- [nagdu] Class date
Marty Rahn
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Marty Rahn
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] E-mail
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] we got soaked
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] mounting
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Mounting
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] mounting
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] mounting
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Mounting
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] pinch collar
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] seeing eye and more
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Hot off the press!!! Griffin update!!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] new TSE ID
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] margo was RE: new TSE ID
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] To Steve about your guide Bennett
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] To Steve about your guide Bennett
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] "Pets, Wills and Animal Trusts"
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Re "Pets, Wills and Animal Trusts"
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Pets, Wills and Animal Trusts
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Re homeless dog
Elizabeth Rene
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
- [nagdu] tie downs
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
- [nagdu] application update
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] we got soaked
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] working teams/respect
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] new member
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] five months ago
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Belle
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Fake Service Dogs Raise Concerns
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Portia Scott
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] Information about GDB
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] five months ago
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] five months ago
Christel Sogenbits
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] TSE email list
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] A Voice of New York's Streets, Saying That It's Safe to Wawk
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] A Voice of New York's Streets, Saying That It's Safe to Wawk
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] five months ago
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Reinhard Stebner
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Shanna Stichler
- [nagdu] Leather Harnesses
Shanna Stichler
- [nagdu] Leather Harnesses
Shanna Stichler
- [nagdu] Leather Harnesses
Shanna Stichler
- [nagdu] introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] TSE email list
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] FW: Soul Searching
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Welcome New members
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] nagdu website
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] (no subject)
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] nagdu website
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Introduction
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] TSE dorms was RE: seeing eye and more
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Janice Toothman
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
Janice Toothman
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
Janice Toothman
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
Janice Toothman
- [nagdu] dog school questions
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] 4th of July
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Appreciating my dog
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] (no subject)
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] (no subject)
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] anybody read this book yet
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Seeing-eye dog alerts owner of gas leak
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] PETA & Service Dogs
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] ot: testing
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Shannon and Natasha
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] introducing myself
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question about standard poodles
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] applying to Pilot
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] three weeks
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] three weeks
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] I did it!
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Introduction
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Update From VA
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question for Pilot alumni
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] question for Pilot alumni
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] seeing eye and more
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] just for fun
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] just for fun
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] update from may and i.
Shannon Wells
- [nagdu] Introduction
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
Meghan Whalen
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
Toni Whaley
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
- [nagdu] [Jobs] Joining my sales team and being yourveryown business owner
- [nagdu] dog school questions
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] 4th of July
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Introduction
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] My Birthday Dinner out
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Class date
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] understanding vs. respect
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Inclusive discussion
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] five months ago
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] introducing myself
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Hello everyone
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] new member
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Welcome New members
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] I did it!
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Visit with TSE
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] I did it!
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Now Experimenting with Poodles
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] nagdu website Is Back Up!
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Julie why a boxer? was re: Boxer guides from Pilot
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Reminder of list rules
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Quit VA new job Cagney is with me
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Belle
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Fake Service Dogs Raise Concerns
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Introduction
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] (no subject)
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Introduction
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Fw: Shoppers with guide dogs being denied accessatgoodwill industries
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Taking my dog on a trip
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] happy birthday Mr. president
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Update From VA
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Goodwill Changes Policy On Service Dogs
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Introduction
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] thinking of leaving
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Update on Destiny/Hard decision
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Fw: [MSB-Alumni] Fw: Smartphone-Friendly Innovation Holds Promise of Freeing Dogs From Involuntary Service
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Shoppers with guide dogs beingdeniedaccessatgoodwillindustries
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] FW: prayers for Odie, please
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] good follow-up for zeb and I
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] Hot off the press!!! Griffin update!!
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] update from may and i.
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] update from may and i.
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] To Steve about your guide Bennett
rhonda cruz
- [nagdu] fidelco
richard fiorello
- [nagdu] dogs in high school
richard fiorello
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] A lake
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] ignorant family members
d m gina
- [nagdu] TSE email list
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] Class date
d m gina
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
d m gina
- [nagdu] paratransit woes
d m gina
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
d m gina
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
d m gina
- [nagdu] re soul searching - Question
d m gina
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
d m gina
- [nagdu] (no subject)
d m gina
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
d m gina
- [nagdu] three weeks
d m gina
- [nagdu] three weeks
d m gina
- [nagdu] Book title please
d m gina
- [nagdu] Fisher went to School
d m gina
- [nagdu] three weeks
d m gina
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
d m gina
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
d m gina
- [nagdu] Update From VA
d m gina
- [nagdu] Delta
d m gina
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
d m gina
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
avapup.7 at gmail.com
- [nagdu] canes/was soul searching - Question
avapup.7 at gmail.com
- [nagdu] Re homeless dog
frandi.galindo at gmail.com
- [nagdu] Class date
melissa green
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
melissa green
- [nagdu] introducing myself
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Never worked a male before
melissa R green
- [nagdu] {nagdu} guide dog in high school
melissa R green
- [nagdu] application update
- [nagdu] My Birthday Dinner out
- [nagdu] Introduction
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
- [nagdu] 17 years ago
- [nagdu] Class date
- [nagdu] introduction
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
- [nagdu] working teams/respect
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] Soul Searching
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
- [nagdu] three weeks
- [nagdu] Head Hanging Low
- [nagdu] New Guide Dog Candidate
- [nagdu] Dar and Tina
- [nagdu] Introduction
- [nagdu] Introduction
- [nagdu] Nail Clippers
- [nagdu] To Steve about your guide Bennett
- [nagdu] Another class date to announce
- [nagdu] Announcement: So excited!
- [nagdu] Are you sure?
- [nagdu] {Disarmed} Fw: Article about Audible traffic Signals
- [nagdu] canes/guide dogs
- [nagdu] Destiny's status
- [nagdu] First guide dog in years hits streets with master
- [nagdu] Puppy Raisers
- [nagdu] Class date
t21114 at optonline.net
- [nagdu] tentative class date announcement
t21114 at optonline.net
- [nagdu] introduction
t21114 at optonline.net
- [nagdu] application update
t21114 at optonline.net
- [nagdu] My Birthday Dinner out
t21114 at optonline.net
- [nagdu] welcome Vanessa
t21114 at optonline.net
- [nagdu] Diner Must Provide Access, Not Civility
melissa padron
- [nagdu] new member
crystal redick
- [nagdu] Got my dog today!
crystal redick
- [nagdu] Wild GDB rumor?
crystal redick
- [nagdu] good follow-up for zeb and I
crystal redick
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 23:47:37 UTC 2012
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 15:08:11 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).