[nagdu] ignorant family members
kobycox at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 06:08:53 UTC 2012
Can you please email me off list? My email address Is:
kobyzox at gmail.com
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On Jul 8, 2012, at 12:01 AM, Portia Scott <portiaprincess at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jenny and all,
> I know how it feels to have ignorant family members. My mother tried to tell me I wouldn't get into any guide dog school without having perfect Mobility training. And I'm like, uh, people told me I could still get in. But yet, my family is oblivious and ignorant to that fact, lol.
> Portia.
> PS. I agree, getting a new dog is the best option.
> On Jul 7, 2012, at 3:24 PM, Jenny Keller <jlperdue3 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know about that too. Brooks used to cut things too close on my right side and I turned my ankle many times when he cut sidewalks too close and my foot would be half on and half off the sidewalk cause he didn't make sure I was on the sidewalk while making a right turn.
>> dogs aren't perfect by any means, and the people that expect them to be are diluting themselves, smile.
>> Jenny
>> On Jul 6, 2012, at 9:39 PM, d m gina wrote:
>>> Even a dog might not have been able to stop the fall.
>>> I have a friend who took a horrible fall because the buss didn't stop where it usually does. He was trying to get home from work.
>>> When he fell in the hole, the harness came off the dog.
>>> that was the handle that came off.
>>> I hope he is ok, was quite sore, and I tell you when someone said to watch it, it was to late.
>>> So even a dog can't stop some of the falls that happen.
>>> Something we could talk to the schools about though.
>>> Original message:
>>>> I was talking to my Aunt, who knows nothing about being blind or service animals. I was telling her that I couldn't wait till I got my new dog.
>>>> she asked me why I was even getting a new dog cause I gave Brooks away. I had to explain to her, in almost ridiculously simplistic terms, even though she is educated, that had I continued to use Brooks, and he continued to run me into things at a full pace, with my whole body, that it could've cost me my life had he decided to run me into a car, bus, or anything else that he got the urge to run me into.
>>>> I had to tell her that a grocery store display and people and railings and missing steps was dangerous enough. But to continue to work him knowing that he was telling me in his own way that he was finished by running me into everything, would've and could've meant a deadly outcome for me and him.
>>>> she then said, why don't you just use a cane? I'm glad I wasn't there cause I felt like grabbing her by the shoulders and saying, sprained ankle, cane didn't catch the whole, dog goes around things like that, DUH.
>>>> anyway, just another situation where seemingly smart people can be so truly stupid or ignorant. You chose whatever word you feel comfortable with.
>>>> Have a great weekend.
>>>> Jenny
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