[nagdu] SkyMall continued...even BETTER people to complain to

Dailyah Patt dailyahpatt at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 9 06:09:13 UTC 2012

Courtesy of The ProBoneO Program's Legal Beagles:

OK, so in addition to being Not A Good Thing(tm), Skymall's addition of a Service Dog package may well be illegal, not because they are encouraging fraud by the purchasers (they are and we all know it, but their product description contains enough weasel words -"we aren't encouraging non-bona fide use of the product! Oh, no, we're only encouraging use by already licensed service dogs!"-, but because they are placing products out for sale that may be misleading per se. Since IDs are not required by the AACA, the Skymall Catalog is selling a legal nullity. However, they are heavily implying in their product description that buying this product will assist the owner in some way. The first paragraph of the ID Kit description seems to promise that having these IDs will "minimiz[e] interruptions and questioning for hassle free access in public places." That offer may be enough to create a misleading promise that the product cannot meet.

Even if it isn't illegal, it's still incredibly scummy, and the FTC will be interested in hearing from anyone who might want to file a complaint with their agency.

FTC Complaint Assistant - https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/ As the website says, the FTC doesn't investigate on its own. It collects information and provides it to fed, state and local investigatory agencies.  Let's hammer them with plenty of information!

This could also be internet or mail fraud, as Skymall offers the product over the internet (and delivers it by mail) http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx

In California, the AG will be the best agency to contact. (www.ag.ca.gov)  Skymall is based in Arizona, so that's a shortcut way to sic the dogs on them. (Pun intended!) Consumer fraud defined -http://www.azag.gov/consumer/ AZ Atty Gen'l contact info. 


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