[nagdu] Fisher went to School
Vanessa Lowery
vlowery at dhr.state.md.us
Wed Jul 11 20:09:04 UTC 2012
That is usually a tool almost of last resort. AT least with TSE, they are careful about when they issue those. I use one with Griffin in very specific situations. But it was drilled into me how to use it, and I had to state my case to even get an OK from them.
Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
Adult and Community Services Division
Adult Services Screening Unit
VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
>>> "Hannah Chadwick" <sparklylicious at gmail.com> 7/11/2012 3:53 PM >>>
Have you used the pinch collar? Princess does pretty well with it. I don't
correct her much these days because of it.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Cindy Ray
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:42 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Fisher went to School
Well, I'm glad he could help, too. He was a little frustrated because we
couldn't find many dogs to fool with. LOL. So the best laid plans ...
Anyway, though, I will just have to get out with Fisher in the cooler parts
of the day and practice avoiding dog issues. It may be very successful.
Cindy Lou
On Jul 11, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Vanessa Lowery wrote:
> Glad the GL helped. yes, if given carefully and correctly, leash
corrections can be administered with the leash attached to the GL. And
isn't it always the case that when you need dogs, lots of dogs, they and
their people go into hiding???
> Glad JB was ablel to help.
> Vanessa Lowery, LGSW
> Adult and Community Services Division
> Adult Services Screening Unit
> 410-853-3550
> VLowery at dhr.state.md.us
>>>> Cindy Ray <cindyray at gmail.com> 7/11/2012 3:23 PM >>>
> Fisher and I had a brief time of it with Mr. Bertram. We had a problem
finding dogs. It is a little hote, and I've never seen Petco so empty.
<Giggle> We found some dogs, and by the time we went to Pet Smart this
afternoon, he was no longer growling/barking at the dogs, though he was
interested. He respondes to corrections way better with the GL on. John said
they had determined that mostly you couldn't hurt a dog with a GL unless you
had a wicked strong correction (not his words exactly) and I don't. Fisher
responded much faster to the GL even in the sniffing department, so there
was little more to do. I will just have to go on some walks in cooler
weather and see how he does. If that seems to not be working, I'll just have
to call again.
> Cindy Lou
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