[nagdu] Puppy Raisers

marilyn t21114 at optonline.net
Sat Jul 21 12:40:54 UTC 2012

Hi Debbie,
All my dogs have been from GDF. I have met all my dogs puppy raisers. Only one didn't want to be friendly and I respected her wishes. That was my first guide dog and the first she raised. She lived about 25 minutes from me. My second puppy raiser I met in a Christmas parade in Smithtown here in Long Island. A few of us on class went to  sing xmas carols. My dogs puppy raiser family was there caroling too and  saw the GDF van. She went over and asked if anyone knew who got the dog she raised. they said Marilyn and she is in the parade. she waited for me to come back to the van and we met. We went to church for refreshments and our meeting was like we knew each other for years. She had two young boys. One 9 and one 4. I asked the 4 year old if he missed the dog and he said yes but we had to raise her for a blind person so she could help them and keep them safe in the streets. I had tears. When the family came to celebration Sunday they met my husband.  4 months after I got the dog I contacted her and told her I was taking a day off from work and going with my husband to the VA hospital and then out to breakfast. I asked her if she want to see the dog. she was so happy and she kept her son's home from school that day. When she saw the dog in harness guiding me she started to cry. She had raised 5 dogs. We were friends for 16 years until she passed away this past Jan. She was there for me when my husband passed away and the dog she raised. I couldn't have been blessed with a better friend. My third dog's puppy raiser and I are friendly . When she came to NY when I had the dog she raised she stayed at my house visiting her family. It was nice. when I retired the dog after only 4 years we still keep in touch. She is a very nice person. My 4th dog and present Anna , her puppy raisers were just here from GA. I had them last month over my house for dinner as they were here to see another dog they raised graduate. We keep in touch and I hope to see them in January when I go to top dog in GA. I think its wonderful when the raiser and grad form a friendship if they both want.
Marilyn and Anna 

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