[nagdu] Seeing-eye dog alerts owner of gas leak
Rhonda Cruz
rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 11:45:19 UTC 2012
Wow. that is a tuching storey. I'm proud to know PIlot dog got her
handler out safely. That shows these dogs do amazeing things. for us.
thank you for shareing. this. a fellow.
On 7/24/12, Ginger Kutsch <GingerKutsch at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Seeing-eye dog alerts owner of gas leak
> by Kenny Farmer
> The Daily Home
> Jul 24, 2012 | 324 views | 0 | 6 | |
> Pooh the guide dog greets Talladega firefighter Ronnie Davis as he talks to
> Nancy Jones of Talladega. The dog alerted Jones to a gas leak in her home
> Monday morning, the fire department was called in, and the gas was safely
> turned off. Jim Smothers/The Daily Home
> TALLADEGA - Nancy Jones was folding clothes at her home on Cherry Street
> Monday morning when she noticed something strange. Her seeing-eye dog,
> Pooh,
> had brought her leash to Jones, which the dog had never done before. After
> the poodle's leash was put on, Pooh aggressively pulled Jones out the front
> door. As Jones was being led out, she noticed the smell of natural gas and
> realized there was a leak in her home.
> Jones was surprised to see that Pooh had brought the leash to her because
> the leash was hanging approximately six feet high and Pooh had never tried
> to reach it before. Jones said that she had always got the leash for Pooh
> herself.
> "That caught me completely off guard," said Jones. "That was a feat in
> itself."
> Jones, who is almost blind, said that Pooh was "very well mannered" and has
> never acted the way she did Monday morning. She also said Pooh's behavior
> was "very consistent" and the dog usually walks alongside her calmly, or in
> heel mode.
> "I was surprised at her reaction," said Jones. "That had never happened."
> Jones said she got the service dog from the Pilot Dog Program based out of
> Columbus, Ohio, and that both she and Pooh were trained together through
> the
> program.
> "They're trained for a lot of things, but I don't know if she was trained
> for that," said Jones.
> Jones said when she smelled the gas, all she could think of was to turn it
> off. However, Jones said she didn't know where to turn it off and, because
> of her visual impairment, she would not have been able to find it by
> herself. After exiting her home, Jones called 911.
> Capt. Ronnie Davis of the Talladega Fire Department responded to the call
> and said the leak was found to be coming from Jones' hot water heater.
> Davis
> shut off the natural gas and opened doors so that the gas vapors could
> escape from the home. Alabama Gas later responded and fixed the leak.
> Davis said a pilot light was on and, if the home had completely filled up
> with the natural gas, it could have been a dangerous situation.
> `Jones said when she was a child, she was once in an automobile that caught
> fire and later exploded. Jones escaped the gas explosion by crawling out
> the
> vehicle's window. Jones said since that event, she has been "scared of gas
> leaks."
> As a reward for the heroic act, Jones says that Pooh will get extra treats,
> new bows for her ears and "a lot of love."
> "I don't know what I would do without her," said Jones. "Especially after
> today."
> Contact Kenny Farmer at kfarmer at dailyhome.com.
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Have freedom.
and listen to your hart Smilely.
Rhonda & Mya..
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