[nagdu] Red tape, Scream!
rhonda cruz
rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 00:35:20 UTC 2012
hi jenny,
it will work out.
take it one step at a time.
On Jun 1, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
> I can't get a medicaid card in my married name because we haven't gotten through our spend down yet, and when I have gone to the food stamp/medicaid office, they didn't even have my amount of rent and bills correctly, even though my husband had already been down there to get it taken care of. Hopefully, the new medicaid card which should come within a few days will have the correct name on it.
> I didn't actually get my married name legally changed till about two and a half months ago, and I went to the food stamp/medicaid card office that day.
> You know how that goes. Red tape, smile, scream.
> Jenny
> On May 30, 2012, at 8:18 PM, d m gina wrote:
>> What I don't understand if is this, when I moved from Colorado to Montana, I had to be here a month before I could become a Montana resident.
>> I took all of the paper work requested and got my new card.
>> I filled out paper work for any requirements I needed to do, and all went well.
>> It doesn't make sense to me that you still have a medical card in your maiden name.
>> Mobility I am sorry they are backed up so badly, I would keep calling just encase they get a cancelation.
>> I do hope you heal up before you take a walk with them though.
>> Are there any private instructors you can get for the one time walk with them?
>> Just some thoughts.
>> Original message:
>>> I talked to one of my doctor's offices which doesn't have record of the school's release because they won't change y name from my maiden name to my married name because my medical card from the state still has my maiden name on it. they said they probably sent it back unanswered because it had the wrong name on it.
>>> then, our stupid rehab services director, who I can't stand, said that the Orientation and Mobility instructor will have to evaluate me with her own two eyes, and she's booked till July.
>>> At this rate, I'm never gonna get this dog.
>>> I fell over a limb that was across the sidewalk yesterday hard because my cane didn't catch it, and I was going at a good pace. I'm in a lot of pain today and will be worse tomorrow because I have fibromyalgia and the second day is usually the worse.
>>> It's just getting frustrating that these doctors offices and rehab agencies feel they can take their sweet time when it's your life on the line. they're not the one using a cane that doesn't catch things it needs to to keep you safe and busting their butt falling over a limb across the sidewalk. they're not the ones that are crossing streets while it's windy and difficult to hear the cars at stoplights to catch the bus to go places.
>>> No! they can jump in their cozy cars that sit in their driveways and parking lots and turn the key and go whenever they get the urge. to heck with what is needed and feels safer for me.
>>> I hate sighted people sometimes. they can be so ignorant.
>>> Jenny
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