[nagdu] curious about street names for dogs

Julie McGinnity kaybaycar at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 02:51:46 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

This topic was brought up a few days ago about Marsha's dog, and I was
curious about the use of fake(street) names for guide dogs.  Have any
of you done this?  Was it successful?  I have never considered doing
such a thing because even though it can distract my dog if people know
her name, it is equally distracting when they make eye contact with
her or make noises at her.  I never thought giving out a fake name
would really solve the problem.  I have just tried teaching my dog to
ignore such distractions.  So have any of you found that your dog is
less distracted if people don't know the name?  I'm curious.

I hope everyone had a good Tuesday.

Julie McG
 Lindbergh High School class of 2009, National Federation of the Blind
of Missouri recording secretary,
Missouri Association of Guide dog Users President,
and proud graduate of Guiding Eyes for the Blind

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal
John 3:16

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