[nagdu] Indoor Behavior - So Confused
Larry D. Keeler
lkeeler at comcast.net
Mon Sep 10 02:15:34 UTC 2012
I have always told my family that if they don't want to start a behavior
then just don't! Example, at home some family members have taken to giving
treats to the dogs. Sence Pez is small, they don't mind him. Holly is
bigger and can get just as excited. Well, a couple of them have taken to
complaining that holly is too hyper when they come over. So, I put her in
the crate but then, they complain when she goes in there or gets corrected.
Sence they encouraged the behavior, then I tell them that's what they get!
Point is that family members tend to let working dogs get away with things
we wouldn't necessarily let them do when its convenient but then, expect us
to keep them under control when it is not. I feel that holly lives here and
she basically has the run of the house most times. She will still listen to
me because I'm consistant with her. Unlike those folks who bring treats
sometimes and when they don't they whine about her behavior. When they have
those treats though they excite the dogs because they love to see them run
and play! Well, which is it! Anyway the advantage of living outside a
family home is that you can be consistant with your dog and it always knows
where its boundaries are. And if the family members don't lik4e it, well,
they know where the door is!
----- Original Message -----
From: <avapup.7 at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Indoor Behavior - So Confused
> Thank you CL,
> You made good points about just going ahead and doing these things without
> waiting for my family's approval or input. Truly, moving back with my
> family makes me feel like a teenager again, and not in any good ways!!
> So far today, I've had Cocoa gated into my room with me or on leash. It's
> gone well so far, but I know the complaints about her barking will start
> up again. But all I can do is my best, and perhaps begin to look for a
> roommate or an apartment within my price range.
> It's also hard because I have a miniature Poodle who is absolutely spoiled
> by my dad, whereas I just treat him like any other dog. But my poodle is
> allowed to be hyper, run the house ( literally run ), jump on furniture,
> and in spite of all I do to stop it, my dad just won't listen. And he'd
> NEVER tolerate that behavior from Cocoa. Very frustrating, and not easy
> living at home as an adult.
> But I've got to set my mind to a place where -- yes, I am an adult. Yes, I
> am responsible for Cocoa's behavior -- as well as for her not getting
> yelled at ( or myself yelled at ) for her behavior.
> Thank you!
> Ava and Cocoa
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:06 AM, Cindy Ray <cindyray at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ugh, Ava, sounds like a difficult situation, and it is one your family
>> has contributed to. If dad has been throwing the dog food, then of course
>> she will do things like that. A dog remains a dog. If a bag of chips are
>> left opened on the floor, almost any dog, if it sees the opportunity,
>> willgo into it. I know this has to be hard, but don't wait for them to
>> tell you what they want you to do about the tie down or leash; put her on
>> it yourself. You are in your early thirties and shouldn't need to be
>> asking permission about that. I think you need to explain to the family
>> that you are doing what you can and that you are seeing a double standard
>> here. They say you are a bad handler, yet they do things to contribute to
>> the dog's behavior. If the other dogs are barking, then she is going to
>> bark, too. Mine does. I don't know what else to say, except take a stand,
>> for real. If you know things that need doing, like leaving on a leash for
>> a time, do them, and practice obedience. Make sure yyou are showing signs
>> of working on the problem so that you know in your heart that you are,
>> and I think in most ways you are.
>> CL
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