[nagdu] Staff cuts at guide dog schools
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Wed Apr 17 17:31:00 UTC 2013
I agree with Cindy. I've been making a lot of improvements to my house,
making it more energy-efficient, fixing old plumbing, etc. It's not cheap,
and disrupts things for a while, but we're already seeing returns on that
investment. I think the changes TSE is making to its building are along the
same lines.
I'm not convinced GDB really needed a new building, but it's been a long
while since I've been there. The new building sure sounds nice.
As to staff cuts, well, sometimes a change is good, and sometimes not. I'll
wait and see.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cindy Ray" <cindyray at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Staff cuts at guide dog schools
> In the case of one of those schools, probably both, much of the renovation
> is updating the facility. In updating facilities, the organization can
> probably find other ways to improve them while in the process. They
> couldn't do that if they didn't do it now. I don't know if this is the
> time or not, but it is probably hard for us to determine that. In the case
> of one school, particularly in home turn overs, they are contracing with
> trainers who have been trained to prepare guide dog teams. Although I'm
> not sure how I feel about it, and the juryh may still be out on it, that
> could have bad moments, but it could also be an enriching experience.
> Other than that, I don't have much opinion about it as I have not called
> my particular school to seek assistance. I had some last year but I felt
> it was a little pointless; maybe part of that was my own attitude, but I
> don't think that was the whole of it.
> I think at some level we have to understand that times they are
> a-changing, and at least some of the things we are seeing may well have to
> happen. Seeing this in my state, too, with regard to our state's budget.
> So I guess I will just watch and wait.
> Cindy Lou
> On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Deanna Lewis <DLewis at clovernook.org> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I have heard of some very big changes in a couple of guide dog schools
>> recently, and am a bit worried by it.
>> I know that two very well respected Guide Dog schools have had large
>> staffing cuts recently. Both schools let go of trainers/field reps with
>> years of experience. Also, both schools are also renovating their
>> dormitories. I am wondering if there is a connection? And also I am
>> worried that this may become a trend with the training programs? I hope
>> not.
>> Do you know of any other schools who have done this recently?
>> What do y'all think?
>> I hope not to start a big debate, but I am just worried that many of the
>> schools are headed towards being less client driven.
>> Deanna and Pascal
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