[nagdu] question about traveling to new places.
rhonda cruz
rhondaprincess at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 17:27:29 UTC 2013
hi tammy, i think i will do something less stressful,
like finish, getting back in to college, and do things simple,
for may and i both,
i don't want us to get stressed, out. from the training program,
i'm doing what is best. for us,
thanks. for all the support.
On Aug 5, 2013, at 8:58 AM, Tami Jarvis wrote:
> Rhonda,
> I hope the training goes well for you!
> Mitzi is really bad about not eating when we travel, especially at first. It was worse when she was younger, and a couple of times she would run out of energy and get sluggish and kinda cranky but still refuse to eat. So I finally figured out to put treats in her bowl and play "hidden treasure," which can tempt her. Or I would carry kibble instead of training treats and try to get her to eat a few mouthfuls here and there while we were on the go. Sometimes putting water in the food will also ensure that she's getting enough of both. Adding some canned food can also help. When we're doing leisure travel now, I just figure she can be hungry or not. But if it's something where we're using extra energy and are on a tight schedule with extra stress, I do more fiddling to make sure she gets enough to keep going until she settles down and starts eating more normally.
> hth,
> Tami
> On 08/05/2013 08:32 AM, rhonda cruz wrote:
>> hi yes, it will be a state program for the blind,
>> yes, she does eat. when i feed her.
>> On Aug 4, 2013, at 8:04 PM, minh ha wrote:
>>> Rhonda,
>>> Is this a residential training program? I'm kind of confused by what
>>> you mean she won't eat when you go to new places. I would think that
>>> if you feed her at her scheduled feeding time, she would be willing to
>>> eat.
>>> Minh
>>> On 8/4/13, rhonda cruz <rhondaprincess at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> hello everyone, i have a guide dog question. about eating wile going to new
>>>> places.
>>>> i'm planning to apply to a training program.
>>>> for the blind, and i'm wondering if my guide dog will eat any food, wile
>>>> we are there.
>>>> she is picky, wile we go to new places,
>>>> she doesn't eat.
>>>> she is a german sheppard. and she is 6 years old.
>>>> what should i do.
>>>> i want to do more traveling, and go more places,
>>>> on my own with my dog,
>>>> and have her ready wile we eat.
>>>> just my thoughts, is it a sheppard thing.
>>>> thanks from rhonda.
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