[nagdu] fwd:[Juno-1]Message from from Grahm Buck

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 06:42:51 UTC 2013

I am an owner trainer and have used the "Leave It" method,but I don't use
the conventional leash correction as I use a halti on my dog.If I
anticipate that a leash correction might be needed when training,I attach
one part of the leash to the collar and leave the other part of the leash
attached to the halti.When using a leash correction,I only pull on the part
attached to the collar.I seldom use a leash correction as my dogs respond
to my voice corrections very well.Both Shaman and Neechee tend not to go
after food when we are out, but Shaman has been known to scarf a cookie or
sandwich from my carelessly left plate when I go answer the door or the
phone. Mardi and Shaman and Neechee, GDIT.


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