[nagdu] Woman says cab driver refused her a ridebecause ofseeing-eye dog

Nicole Torcolini ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Tue Aug 13 03:32:09 UTC 2013

I heard one story in an article that I believe was posted where a women did
actually put her dog in the trunk because the driver refused to take her
otherwise, and she could not wait for another cab. If anyone ever told me to
do that, I would tell them that I was going to report them for animal abuse
if they continued to suggest such a thing. 

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Aleeha Dudley
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 7:14 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Woman says cab driver refused her a ridebecause
ofseeing-eye dog

Hello all,
     I have had a mostly good experience with taxi drivers, even Muslim
ones, since I got Dallas which, admittedly, has only been two months, but
I'd still like to weigh in.
     I was in Columbus for a two-week period in July and used cabs every
day. The majority of the cab drivers were Muslim and, although they didn't
really want our dogs in the cabs, they took us because they had to. One
gentleman was very friendly and said that as long as the dog did not touch
him everything would be just fine and proceeded to be very friendly toward
all of us, even striking up conversation with everyone in the cab, despite
the two dogs.
     Two other experiences, although not terrible, were nonetheless
aggravating. I had one individual say repeatedly that the dog could not go
in the car and that my dog needed to go in the trunk. I had none of that and
kept Dallas with me. The last experience I had was on the final day of my
trip when a driver calmly told me that if I wanted to keep my dog, I would
sit in the back of the van.
Just thought I'd share my experiences. Keep fighting, everyone! This is the
only way to improve the situation!

On 8/11/13, L Gwizdak <leg1950 at cox.net> wrote:
> There used to be a Muslim-run store near me and I went in.  The guy 
> didn't say I couldn't bring my dog in but asked me to make sure he 
> didn't come into
> physical contact with my dog.  We got talking and he explained that 
> the problem was that the SALIVA of a dog was what was "unclean".  
> Since Landon is a licker, I made sure I wasn't close enough for Landon 
> to lick him.  This
> was a few years ago when Landon licked people more than he does now.  
> I had
> no problem.
> The problem is that Muslims misinterpret the rule in their religion by 
> saying that they can't be in the presence of a dog.  Yes, that cab 
> driver MUST take a service dog rider as long as the driver is licensed 
> to drive a cab in the city you guys are in.  He can go pray someplace 
> nice and quiet and not in the car.  But the law says he has to take you
and your dog.
> I don't rag on Muslims for their misinterpretations of their religion 
> anymore than I rag on Christians for misinterpretating theirs.  I 
> think there are people of all religions who can misinterpret their 
> faiths but there are plenty who live their faiths in the right way.
> Lyn and Landon
> "Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is 
> like asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cindy Ray" <cindyray at gmail.com>
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 8:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Woman says cab driver refused her a ridebecause 
> ofseeing-eye dog
>> Muslims regard animals such as dogs as unclean, and they are not to 
>> be with them. The taxi, however, as you stated, cannot be considered 
>> a place
>> of worship. They can and do have the right to keep the dogs from those.
>> But anyway, it is the Muslims at the very least who do not want 
>> contact with dogs.
>> CL
>> On Aug 8, 2013, at 10:27 AM, "William Vandervest" 
>> <timelord09 at att.net>
>> wrote:
>>> can someone please tell me what religion prohibits contact with 
>>> dogs, i can't seem to find anything in the Bible, Torah, or the Koran?
>>> There are none so blind as those who will not see
>>> William and LD Lynard
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