[nagdu] harness or not?
minh ha
minh.ha927 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 16:40:43 UTC 2013
I would definitely leave the harness on. It's a clear indication to
others that your dog is working and hands-off. Harnesses are made to
fit the dog comfortably and unless it is causing clear discomfort, I'm
sure your dog will sleep peacefully away during class. Also, I know
for my dog, having the harness on means for her that she's working and
she can't be a squirrely puppy. I can't even imagine what she would do
if I let her off harness in public. Removing your handle, if you have
one that is removable is a great idea as well. I always do this for my
girl so she won't bang it into the floor or table legs when she shifts
On 8/26/13, Daniel <daniel.sweeney1 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> Daniel here, my harness is from GDB and hence has a removable handle which
> I
> always remove when I stuff my girl under my table at school, or under my
> seat on the bus. The trick is to remember not to leave the handle behind
> which is not hard if you are working your dog. I clip the handle on my belt
> when I take it off.
> I don't know what type of harness you have, but this might be an idea.
> HTH,
> Daniel and Cass,
> Lakewood, Colorado
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of daniel
> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 9:17 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: [nagdu] harness or not?
> Hey guys, as yall know I'm going to be starting college really soon. I have
> a question though: My classes are like an hour and a half long, what do I
> do
> with my dog's harness? Do I leave it on or do I take it off? I feel like
> that's a long time to leave the harness on when she's going to be laying
> down but I don't know!
> Thanks,
> Dan
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