[nagdu] NYAGDU Conference Call, February 14 at 7:30 p.m.

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Fri Feb 8 18:51:31 UTC 2013

Hi. Are you looking for more tips when it comes to traveling with your guide dog? Traveling can be as close to home as riding in a car or walking or using public transportation. Travel can be done using convenbbaral means of transportation, or, how about taking your guide dog with you on a raft while whale watching in Hawaii. How about hiking and camping. 

Cheryl Evevarria of Evevarria Travel will talk with us a little about travel in general and travel with a guide dog. This is a great time for all of us to share our travel experiences with a guide dog and for asking questions of each other. What travel experiences have you had and what experiences have you not had that you'd like to have but may have concerns traveling with your guide dog? 

Come join us on Thursday, February 14 at 7:30 p.m., and we welcome everyone from everywhere. We look forward to being with you on this call. 

Next month, we will hear from Julie Phillipson regarding dealing with first responders and tips on disaster preparedness. 

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Dial 712-432-6453. When you hear "If you've heard this message, press pound," press pound or listen to the message. At the main menu, press 1 for Live Chat Rooms. The code to enter is 

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This code standthe for NYAGDU, by the way.

We look forward  to welcoming you on Thursday, February 14 at 7:30 p.m.

Margo Downey, President, New York Association of Guide Ding Users, a Proud Division of National 
Association of Guide Users, National Federation of the Blind 

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