[nagdu] Leader and Lions was people taking pictures

Larry D. Keeler lkeeler at comcast.net
Sat Feb 16 01:15:06 UTC 2013

Who, Me!!  I just went to church, and basically asked about everything!  I 
just show up with Holly, if they grumble, I grumble back.  Interestingly 
enough, I was most worried at our first NFB chapter meeting.  I and another 
guy came who used dogs.  I braught mine thinking the worst they could do is 
kick me out.  The other guy didn't bring his because he said that he didn't 
know what the meeting was!  I stayed and he left.  Hoolly and I are 
generally considered an asset to the organizations I belong to so I am 
really glad I don't have to challenge folks often.  The only thing I have to 
continually educate folks about is that dogs only stop or go around 
obsticles. NOT!!  Take us everywhere we want to go!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julie J." <julielj at neb.rr.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Leader and Lions was people taking pictures

> Larry,
> thank you for sharing your experience.   It means a lot to me that I'm not 
> alone.  I think I want to try a different organization or group.  How did 
> you find groups where you were accepted for you, not the blindness and not 
> the guide dog?  Was it something that just happened or did you use some 
> sort of screening process to find a group where you were respected? Were 
> there other guide dog users that were already members that were able to 
> give you the thumbs up, so to speak?
> Julie
> On 2/15/2013 9:44 AM, Larry D. Keeler wrote:
>> I had a similar experience with the Lions in Virginia.  Although then, I 
>> didn't have a dog.  Instead, the focus was on the blindness.  I was 
>> involved in a summer of marine science and was invited to a Lions group. 
>> I know that the Lions are interested in helping folks but the blindness 
>> thing way upstaged the fact that I really was getting involved in science 
>> not just as a curiosity but also hopefully for a living.  They also had a 
>> small raffle and as the only blind person there, I won!  Seemed sort of 
>> suspicious!
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Julie J." <julielj at neb.rr.com>
>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" 
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 9:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Leader and Lions was people taking pictures
>>> Steve,
>>> When I attended a Lions leadership conference  this past summer I had a 
>>> pretty negative experience.  Of course people would ask about my guide, 
>>> and being the person I am, I always answer honestly.  They were probably 
>>> thinking because I was a member of the Lions that of course I would have 
>>> a Leader dog.   When they found out that I had owner trained I'd get a 
>>> variety of responses from shock to confusion to incredulity.   I have 
>>> been told from a Lion and this is a quote, "You know we could have 
>>> gotten a guide for you.  You didn't have to do all that work." said in a 
>>> tone indicating their disapproval with my choice.  I've gotten the 
>>> repeated impression from a number of Lions that if you don't go to 
>>> Leader, you've made a bad choice.
>>> I felt like I was the token blind person at this event and not really 
>>> valued at all as an individual.  There was very little interest in 
>>> getting to know me as a person, it was all about the dog all the time. 
>>> I'm okay with talking about the dog, but after a couple minutes of that 
>>> I'm ready to move on to other things, ideas or interests that we might 
>>> share.   The final straw was at the end when they were taking pictures 
>>> of the groups. We were told to arrange ourselves with the tallest people 
>>> in the back, shorter people in the front.  So after consulting the 
>>> person next to me and using my own perceptions I stood in the back row. 
>>> I was told quite bluntly that I needed to move to the front so they 
>>> could get a good picture of the dog.  I refused and this created a large 
>>> problem.  I don't think anyone had told that woman no before.
>>> I have left the Lions.  I just can't do it.  I know there are good 
>>> people in the lions, people that respect others, people that genuinely 
>>> want to do good things, people that want to make the world a better 
>>> place.  It's really too bad that there are enough people that are 
>>> disrespectful, egotistical and elitist that it ruined it for me.
>>> I feel like I have to choose to spend my time and energy in pursuits 
>>> that strengthen me as a person while a the same time allowing me to 
>>> share my talents with the world.  The Lions is not that place for me. 
>>> I understand that it is for others and I'm not trying to discount that. 
>>> I'm also not saying that the Lions as an organization is bad.  I am 
>>> saying that there are people within the Lions that ruined it for me.
>>> Julie
>>> On 2/15/2013 5:38 AM, Steven Johnson wrote:
>>>> Eve, do you know why this actually might be, or what the actual 
>>>> connection
>>>> is in regards to her stance?  Leader Dog was actually formed in 1938 by 
>>>> 3
>>>> Lion members, and became a formal organization in 1939.  It is still 
>>>> the
>>>> only guide dog organization or for that matter, service dog 
>>>> organization in
>>>> the world founded by Lion's.  Many Lion's still have this philosophy.
>>>> Leader Dog has a Board specifically made up of Lion members, and 
>>>> receives
>>>> approximately 20% of their funding from the Lion's.  Leader Dog is the
>>>> longest funded service through the Lion's.  I applaud her past 
>>>> patronage as
>>>> a Lion and Leader Dog handler.
>>>> Steve
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina
>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:13 PM
>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people taking pictures of dog or wanting to take
>>>> pictures of your dog
>>>> this lady only wanted the lions to work with leader dogs, no other 
>>>> school.
>>>> She didn't want anyone to be better than she was with her dog.
>>>> She has passed on now, so I don't have to worry.
>>>> I will keep after the lions to get us set up for December.
>>>> So we know when this will happen, and how can we help to pull it off.
>>>> Our part that is.
>>>> I knew I was out and about threw out the city and folks would see me.
>>>> Either at the mall or wall mart, any place like that.
>>>> I don't have your email address, it doesn't show up.
>>>> So I am sure I am past my five messages.
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> Ummm Dar,
>>>>> This lady is a blind Lion with a guide dog but she doesn't want any
>>>>> other guide dog users in the parade - did I hear this right??  If so,
>>>>> what is that all about?  She can't control her dog?
>>>>> That reminds me about the time I was at an event in Balboa Park were
>>>>> there wwere alot of dogs and a mini horse there.  The police were
>>>>> doing a police dog demonstration - the dog ran to bite the man in the
>>>>> padded suit to show how a police dog apprehends a criminal who is
>>>>> trying to flee.  I had my guide dog with me and I had stopped to
>>>>> watch.  The cop actually told me to move on because my dog was a
>>>>> distraction to the police dog!  I said that maybe he needs to teach
>>>>> his dog to work with distractions like mine was.  My dog was able to 
>>>>> work
>>>> well with all the distractions aroound at that event.
>>>>> the cop had nothing to say to coounter what i said to him.  Ballsy me!
>>>>> Hey, I'd go to the parade anyway and tell that woman to do some
>>>>> refresher in distraction work with her dog!
>>>>> Lyn and Landon
>>>>> "Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is
>>>>> like asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "d m gina"<dmgina at samobile.net>
>>>>> To:<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 6:11 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people taking pictures of dog or wanting to take
>>>>> pictures of your dog
>>>>>> yes we had a lady who was in the parade with her dog.
>>>>>> She didn't want anyone else to come.
>>>>>> Especially with a dog.
>>>>>> She was a lion.
>>>>>> So we have friends who are lions where we could set it up.
>>>>>> I will ask early so we can get it started.
>>>>>> Original message:
>>>>>>> Hi Dar,
>>>>>>> To be in a parade, one must be associated with a group who is in the
>>>>>>> parade.
>>>>>>> I march in our LGBT Pride parade with a group I belong to -
>>>>>>> actually, I'd have to split myself in twos or threes to march in all
>>>>>>> the groups I belong to that are contingents in the parade! LOL!
>>>>>>> Landon and I are also in our neighborhoood Christmas Toyland Parade
>>>>>>> as part of our contingent from our Blind Community Center.  We have
>>>>>>> our Center's bus in it with the people who can't walk but several of
>>>>>>> our members with guide dogs do walk in the parade.
>>>>>>> We decorate our dogs in holiday collars.  Landon has learned how to
>>>>>>> walk in the street in a parade from the many street demonstrations
>>>>>>> we've been in over the years!  He has to teach the other guide dogs
>>>>>>> who NEVER walk in the street except for making street crossings.
>>>>>>> LOL!  We do have sighted help in helping us to keep in our
>>>>>>> contingent, tell us when to stop, turn, and to go after we stop to
>>>>>>> let the contingents to maintain proper spacing that keeps the parade
>>>>>>> moving smoothly along.  Some people just go sighted guide and heel
>>>>>>> their dogs.
>>>>>>> For you, join a group that marches in your holiday parade and maybe
>>>>>>> you can march or be on a float in it.  It's alot of fun and people
>>>>>>> enjoy seeing guide and other service dogs in parades.  Remember that
>>>>>>> street pavement is usually hotter than regular sidewalks.  Streets
>>>>>>> are blacktop which sucks in the heat and most sidewalks are white
>>>>>>> concrete which repells some of the heat - depends on time of year
>>>>>>> and location.
>>>>>>> For me to determine when I need to put Landon's booties on, I will
>>>>>>> place my palm flat on the street.  If I go, "Yow!" and pull my hand
>>>>>>> off in only seconds, it is bootie time!  If I can keep my hand there
>>>>>>> as long as I want to keep it there without discomfort, well, Landon
>>>>>>> can go barefoot.
>>>>>>> People
>>>>>>> want to take Landon's picture in his booties is mainly because most
>>>>>>> people never give a hot pavement a thought when they briong their
>>>>>>> dogs out in parades - this happens in the Pride parade and street
>>>>>>> fairs because these are held in the middle of our summer heat with
>>>>>>> the strongest sunshine.
>>>>>>> Countless people have come up to me to thank me for putting booties
>>>>>>> on my dog and they tell me about the poor dogs who has less than
>>>>>>> attentive owners.
>>>>>>> Those dogs are picking up each foot over and over because their pads
>>>>>>> are burning on the blacktop!  Poor doggies!
>>>>>>> Lyn and Landon
>>>>>>> "Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is
>>>>>>> like asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "d m gina"<dmgina at samobile.net>
>>>>>>> To:<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 2:32 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people taking pictures of dog or wanting to
>>>>>>> take pictures of your dog
>>>>>>>> I need to work with my dog with his booties.
>>>>>>>> That is a swell idea in a parade to have him wear them.
>>>>>>>> I would love to see us in the Christmas parade this year.
>>>>>>>> How far advanced do you need to plan for this?
>>>>>>>> Original message:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Eve,
>>>>>>>>> I can see what you mean about the labels, "partials or sighteds"
>>>>>>>>> and "Totals" and the stigmas attached to them.  This sucks but is
>>>> reality.
>>>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>>>> is like in the Black community light skinned or dark skinned and
>>>>>>>>> the stigma is more on the dark skinned as the totals are looked
>>>>>>>>> upon as less in the blind community.  On both couonts it is wrong!
>>>>>>>>> You should NEVER play second fiddle to anyone else just because
>>>>>>>>> they may possess more or full eyesight.  I've seen this behavior
>>>>>>>>> mainly in the blind schools where some people feel the need to
>>>>>>>>> dump on someone else - well, the totals.  Partials have some sight
>>>>>>>>> so they would be in the "sighted camp"
>>>>>>>>> even though partials get crap from both sides - fully sighted
>>>>>>>>> (you're not really blind - you're faking it!) or totals who may
>>>>>>>>> begrudge partials for having some sighted privilege.  But we all -
>>>>>>>>> totals and partials - really get the crap from society that
>>>>>>>>> decides what we can or can't do based on misconceptions, fear, and
>>>>>>>>> plain old bigotry rather than going to the experts - those of us
>>>>>>>>> with the blindness.
>>>>>>>>> The truth is that we are all blind and we all have alot of
>>>>>>>>> challenges although they may vary.  I have friends who are fully
>>>>>>>>> sighted, partially sighted, and totally blind - makes no
>>>>>>>>> difference to me.  I judge them on what kind of person they are.
>>>>>>>>> Yeah, I'm a low partial - I use a guide dog.
>>>>>>>>> I used to be a high partial when I was a teenager and I rode my
>>>>>>>>> bike all over town.  I agree, we should junk the labels and just
>>>>>>>>> become people with some extra issues to be dealt with.
>>>>>>>>> Oh yeah, I don't care who takes my dog's picture.  Landon's wound
>>>>>>>>> up on people's Facebook! They all ask me first.  Landon was doing
>>>>>>>>> something cute like lie with his head up and his front legs
>>>>>>>>> crossed like he was royalty!
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> saw the pix and thought they were very cute.  They didn't take my
>>>>>>>>> picture - just the dog.  The people who took the pix then asked me
>>>>>>>>> about guide dogs and I used it as a learning/teaching moment. I
>>>>>>>>> have some of these cute pix on my own Facebook timeline and i
>>>>>>>>> don't mind if my FB friends share them.
>>>>>>>>> Many of these friends love Landon!  LOL!  Oh, who knows how many
>>>>>>>>> pix get taken of Landon with his booties on as we march in the
>>>>>>>>> Pride Parade!
>>>>>>>>> Maybe
>>>>>>>>> seeing Landon in booties will remind them to use booties on their
>>>>>>>>> own dogs on hot pavement.  One never knows.
>>>>>>>>> Take care,
>>>>>>>>> Lyn and Landon
>>>>>>>>> "Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship
>>>>>>>>> is like asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Eve Sanchez"<celticyaya at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog 
>>>>>>>>> Users"
>>>>>>>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 6:02 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people taking pictures of dog or wanting to
>>>>>>>>> take pictures of your dog
>>>>>>>>>> I have no problem with my dog getting her picture taken as long
>>>>>>>>>> as no one talks to her and I am not in the picture without
>>>>>>>>>> knowing. I may be having a fat day or not have my makeup on or
>>>>>>>>>> something. My dog is not as vain.
>>>>>>>>>> What
>>>>>>>>>> does piss me off, in a side note, is the designation between
>>>>>>>>>> sighted and totals. This always seems to come from the 'total' as
>>>>>>>>>> they like to call themselves as seems to be a type of prejudice
>>>>>>>>>> in that they feel they are more disabled or more blind than
>>>>>>>>>> others. Sorry to vent on this, but it really pisses me off and I
>>>>>>>>>> know I am not the only one who feels this way though many people
>>>>>>>>>> will not say so. I would appreciate the terms going away. Thanks
>>>>>>>>>> for the opportunity to get my word out. Eve
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 1:36 PM, cheryl echevarria
>>>>>>>>>> <cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes I am also with Lion International and the Brentwood Chamber
>>>>>>>>>>> of Commerce and other Travel Agent Organizations.
>>>>>>>>>>> But I do not let anyone come up to me and take a picture of me
>>>>>>>>>>> or Maxx.
>>>>>>>>>>> These are different situations.
>>>>>>>>>>> Have a great day to all. Bright and sunny after the Blizzard. Um
>>>>>>>>>>> isn't Nemo a fish and Captain Nemo for 20,000 leagues under the
>>>>>>>>>>> sea, I just don't know where they get the names of these storms
>>>>>>>>>>> from.
>>>>>>>>>>> Lol.
>>>>>>>>>>> Disabled Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 of NY State Leading the
>>>>>>>>>>> Way in Independent Travel!SNG Certified - Accessible Travel
>>>>>>>>>>> Advocate!Cheryl Echevarria, Ownerhttp://
>>>>>>>>>>> www.echevarriatravel.com631-456-5394reservations at echevarriatrave
>>>>>>>>>>> l.comhttp://www.echevarriatravel.wordpress.com2012
>>>>>>>>>>> Norwegian Cruise Line University Advisory Board Member.
>>>>>>>>>>> Affiliated as an independent contractor with Montrose TravelCST
>>>>>>>>>>> - #1018299-10Echevarria Travel and proud member of the National
>>>>>>>>>>> Federation of the Blind will be holding a year round fundraiser
>>>>>>>>>>> for the http://www.NFBNY.org<http://www.nfbny.org/>  after
>>>>>>>>>>> Hurricane Sandy and other resources. Any vacation package booked
>>>>>>>>>>> between November 6 2012-November 6, 2013 and vacation must be
>>>>>>>>>>> traveled no later than
>>>>>>>>>>> 12/30/2014 a percentage of my earnings will go to the affiliate.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also
>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>> you book a Sandals for couples or Beaches for families and
>>>>>>>>>>> friends resorts vacation, $100.00 per booking will go to the
>>>>>>>>>>> affiliate as well.  You do not need to be a member of the
>>>>>>>>>>> NFB.org, just book through us.
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: lkeeler at comcast.net
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2013 16:22:35 -0500
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] people taking pictures of dog or wanting
>>>>>>>>>>>> to take
>>>>>>>>>>> pictures of your dog
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheryl, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.  I have a picture
>>>>>>>>>>>> of Holly
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> I with the bishop.  I also have a couple with the Knights of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Columbus.
>>>>>>>>>>>   AIn
>>>>>>>>>>>> these cases, I allowed it to prove that these organizations
>>>>>>>>>>>> will admit
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> approve of blind folks and there service animals.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "cheryl echevarria"<cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "nagdu"<nagdu at nfbnet.org>; "nyagdu"<nyagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 12:05 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] people taking pictures of dog or wanting to
>>>>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>>>> pictures
>>>>>>>>>>>> of your dog
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good morning everyone:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nelson is busy shoveling the snow outside from Nemo, Blizzard
>>>> 2013.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, while I was in Washington, D.C. this past week with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some of
>>>>>>>>>>> you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was talking with some members of the Utah Chapter and a woman,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> who was
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a member of the NFB, a guest in the hotel asked me if she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could take a picture of Maxx.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I said no. She asked me why. Well first I said, "Because I do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not want
>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog all over social media from strangers that I do not know",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>> became
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quite obnoxious about it. I put it to her this way. I said are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you a parent, she said yes. Well would you like any of your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> family or
>>>>>>>>>>> children
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to have there pictures taken by strangers posted all over the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> internet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is not right.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then she got it and understood.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have you had the same issues. Sometime someone tells me that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> they took
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> picture of me and the dog, and I get upset, only because they
>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>>>>>> ask
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the same issue. I should be the one to post pictures and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> videos of
>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and maxx if I want, but not strangers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheryl
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Disabled Entrepreneur of the Year 2012 of NY State Leading the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Way in Independent Travel!SNG Certified - Accessible Travel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Advocate!Cheryl Echevarria,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ownerhttp://www.echevarriatravel.com631-456-5394reservations
>>>>>>>>>>> @echevarriatravel.comhttp://www.echevarriatravel.wordpress.com20
>>>>>>>>>>> 12
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Norwegian Cruise Line University Advisory Board Member.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Affiliated as an independent contractor with Montrose
>>>>>>>>>>>>> TravelCST - #1018299-10Echevarria Travel and proud member of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the National
>>>>>>>>>>> Federation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the Blind will be holding a year round fundraiser for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.NFBNY.org<http://www.nfbny.org/>  after Hurricane
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sandy
>>>>>>>>>>> and other resources. Any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vacation package booked between November 6 2012-November 6,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013 and vacation must be traveled no later than 12/30/2014 a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> percentage of my earnings will go to the affiliate.  Also is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you book a Sandals for
>>>>>>>>>>> couples
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or Beaches for families and friends resorts vacation, $100.00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> per
>>>>>>>>>>> booking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will go to the affiliate as well.  You do not need to be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> member of
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFB.org, just book through us.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nagdu mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nagdu at nfbnet.org
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>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> --Dar
>>>>>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>>>>>>   FB: dmgina
>>>>>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>>>>>> every saint has a past
>>>>>>>> every sinner has a future
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> --Dar
>>>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>>>>   FB: dmgina
>>>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>>>> every saint has a past
>>>>>> every sinner has a future
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>>>> -- 
>>>> --Dar
>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>>    FB: dmgina
>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>> every saint has a past
>>>> every sinner has a future
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