[nagdu] Nyagdu Conference Call

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Fri Jan 4 01:16:17 UTC 2013

Hello, everyone and a very Happy New Year!

I am writing as President of the New York Association of Guide Dog Users to invite you to righticipate in a conference call at 7:30 p.m. on Thzrsday, January 10, 2013.

The topic of the call is "Peaceful Negotiations in Confrontive Situations." We will be talking about ways to deal with situations we may encounter while working with our guide dogs and various ways to handle those situations. 

The call will be facilitated by Joyce Carrico and Jessica Snyder. They will most likely talk at first and then open up the room for questions and for people to talk about how you have handled various situations. They will let us know how so call will proceed. 

We look forward to talking with you at the call. 

The New York Association of Guide Dog Users (NYAGDU) is hoping to have a conference call each month on a topic. Possible topics could be families and guide dogs, medical issues, travel with a guide dog, and so much more. 

Margo Downey and Arrow   

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